What Do You Want to Do?The Watchtower—1971 | October 15
Furthermore, everyone hearing these sayings of mine and not doing them will be likened to a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand.
What Do You Want to Do?The Watchtower—1971 | October 15
“These sayings” that Jesus referred to were not demanding anything unreasonable of his hearers, but were only those things that any person who has genuine respect for God and for the rights of his fellowman should do. If you read Christ’s Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters five to seven you will see that he stressed, first of all, the importance of being conscious of one’s spiritual need, seeking righteousness, being purehearted and peaceable. And he emphasized proper living, repeatedly mentioning the kingdom of the heavens, the need to seek it and God’s righteousness. Jesus stated that safety lies in obedience to these teachings.