Understanding Events Since 1914Awake!—1981 | May 8
For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.”—Matt. 24:6-8.
Global war
‘But there have been many wars since Jesus’ day,’ someone might object. True, and it should be noted that those that occurred during the decades immediately following Jesus’ prophecy were not without significance; they led on to the devastation of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. But Jesus was also pointing ahead to another “tribulation,” one that would have no equal. (Matt. 24:22) As part of the “pangs of distress” leading on to that event, wars have been fought that affect all the earth.—Compare Revelation 6:1-4.
Historians widely agree that World War I was the first war on a global scale. Comparing World War I with previous major wars, cultural historian Jacques Barzun observes that in previous wars, “the absence of large industry had precluded the involvement, physical and mental, of every adult citizen simultaneously throughout Europe.” In World War I it was different. “In 1914 Beethoven, Hegel, and Goethe would have been in the trenches.”
Understanding Events Since 1914Awake!—1981 | May 8
[Chart on page 8]
Back in 1978 it was calculated that 150 wars have been fought since the end of World War II, with 25 million lives lost. Here are a few of the better known wars. As this partial list indicates, peace has truly been ‘taken away from the earth’ in the 20th century, as predicted in Revelation 6:4.
1945-54 Vietnam War (French involvement)
1955-75 Vietnam War (American involvement)
1948-57 Guerrilla war in Malaya
1950-51 Korea
1954-62 Algeria
1956 Hungary
1956 Suez
1957 Tibet
1959 Laos
1959 Chinese-Indian border
1960 Congo
1962-75 Iraq
1962 Yemen
1965 India-Pakistan border
1967 Arab-Israeli “Six-Day War”
1967-69 Biafra (Nigeria)
1968 Czechoslovakia
1969-present Ireland
1969 Russian-Chinese border
1969-75 Angola
1971 Bangladesh
1973 Sinai
1975 Lebanon
1976-79 Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
1977 Ethiopia
1978 Zaire
1979 Cambodia, Vietnam
1979 Chad
1979 Iran
1979 Yemen
1979 Uganda
1979 Nicaragua
1980 Afghanistan
1980 Iran, Iraq
Understanding Events Since 1914Awake!—1981 | May 8
[Chart on page 9]
Here are a few of the major earthquakes since 1914. Only those killing 3,000 or more are listed. Of course, casualty estimates vary in some cases.
Date Location Approximate number of deaths
1915 Italy 29,900
1920 China 180,000
1923 Japan 143,000
1927 China 200,000
1932 China 70,000
1934 India 10,700
1935 India 60,000
1939 Chile 30,000
1939 Turkey 23,000
1948 Japan 5,100
1949 Ecuador 6,000
1960 Chile 5,700
1960 Morocco 12,000
1962 Iran 10,000
1968 Iran 11,500
1970 Peru 66,700
1972 Iran 5,000
1972 Nicaragua 6,000
1974 Pakistan 5,200
1976 Guatemala 23,000
1976 China 655,000
1976 Philippines 3,300
1976 Turkey 3,700
1978 Iran 25,000
1980 Algeria 20,000
1980 Italy 3,000