“The Way of Life” or “The Way of Death”—Which?The Watchtower—1979 | September 1
then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.
“The Way of Life” or “The Way of Death”—Which?The Watchtower—1979 | September 1
33. In the period between 66 and 70 C.E., in what did obedience to Jesus’ instruction and disregard of it result?
33 The believing Christianized Jews obeyed this instruction from their Master. After the Roman legions retreated from their unsuccessful assault upon Jerusalem and its temple in 66 C.E., the whole province of Judea was abandoned by the endangered Christians. They were not deserters of the Jewish cause. They were obedient to their Leader Jesus Christ, and so the course that they chose was “the way of life.”