Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1961 | November 1
therefore an interval vital to the salvation of those who will be saved and survive Armageddon. By this interval between the opening feature of the “great tribulation” and the closing feature, Armageddon, the “great tribulation” as a whole is shortened. This shortening operates for our salvation. The Watchtower magazine did not say that God will shorten Armageddon. It said: “God will save flesh that is not of this world, by shortening the days of the great tribulation.”—Matt. 24:14, 22.
● What is the meaning of John 14:30, which reads: “I shall not speak much with you any more, for the ruler of the world is coming. And yet he has no hold on me.”—B. R., United States.
In saying, “I shall not speak much with you any more,” Jesus was calling attention to the fact that this was his last night with them as a human, and it is true that after his resurrection he did not speak much with them. His appearances to them were few and comparatively brief.
As for the expression “the ruler of the world is coming,” the context of these words helps us to determine their meaning. Jesus had spoken of going away and sending the holy spirit in his place as a guide. So the coming of this world’s ruler was connected with Jesus’ going away or his death. The ruler of the world, Satan, was “coming” to Jesus in a special way: to apply the final test of integrity to him, even as he had “come” to him at the beginning of his ministry to apply a series of tests to him.—Matt. 4:1-10.
Regarding the words “yet he has no hold on me,” by this we are to understand that Jesus had not permitted Satan to gain any control over him whatever. In no way had Jesus compromised with Satan or allowed himself to become beholden to Satan.
● Would it violate any Christian principles to contribute to a United Givers Fund campaign conducted annually at one’s place of employment?—M. P., United States.
Whether a dedicated Christian will contribute to such charitable drives or not is something for each one to decide for himself. He may justly feel that he is already using all his available resources in a charitable work, that of preaching the good news of God’s kingdom, and that therefore he is not under obligation to contribute to other forms of charity. He also might well reason that his money will do more good if spent in some other way, in view of the large overhead that certain charitable organizations have, the officers of some receiving extremely high salaries. So it would be a burden of responsibility that each Christian would have to bear himself as to what would be the best thing for him to do under the circumstances.—Gal. 6:5.
AnnouncementsThe Watchtower—1961 | November 1
Recognizing the vital importance of Bible knowledge and understanding, Jehovah’s witnesses are very active in distributing Bible literature at every opportunity. During November they will offer to all persons the newly released Bible-study aid “Let Your Name Be Sanctified,” with a booklet, for 50c.
“Hallowed be thy name” are words of Jesus’ model prayer as translated in the King James and Douay versions of the Bible. But whether in this more familiar form or in the more expressive form of the modern English, “Let your name be sanctified,” they were given to us to repeat with meaning. Do you know what Jesus was teaching you to pray for in this regard? How is God’s name going to be magnified above all others? Read the 384-page book “Let Your Name Be Sanctified.” Send only 50c. You will receive free the booklet God’s Way Is Love.
December 3: Bearers of the Fear-inspiring Name, ¶1-20. Page 649.
December 10: Bearers of the Fear-inspiring Name, ¶21-31, and Nations in Fear at the Name Called upon Us, ¶1-8. Page 653.
December 17: Nations in Fear at the Name Called upon Us, ¶9-29. Page 658.