Fighters Against God Losing the BattleThe Watchtower—1977 | December 15
Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
Fighters Against God Losing the BattleThe Watchtower—1977 | December 15
Since the year 1914 the “sign” has appeared and become constantly more impressive, to verify that the Master’s presence in Kingdom power began at the close of the Gentile Times in 1914. (Luke 21:24; Dan. 4:16, 23, 25, 32) Since then, no period of just 63 years has seen all mankind plagued with such international wars, political upheavals, accompanied by so many earthquakes, pestilences of pandemic proportions, food shortages with spiraling food costs, outbursts of lawlessness, and loveless oppression and persecution of Christ’s “slave” class world wide. Truly, this period between World War I of 1914 and now remains without historic parallel. It should have significance of world importance. It does! Jesus Christ, God’s prophet greater than Moses, prophetically explained what it would mean. What?
14. According to Jesus’ explanation, what did this period mean?
14 That his “presence,” or parousia, is now in effect since 1914 and that the end of this system of things draws ever closer!
15. Why should there be a Jeremiah class on earth today, and who compose it?
15 The period of Christ’s “presence” is the time for his judging of members of the “slave” congregation appointed 19 centuries ago to feed his domestics with spiritual food at the proper time. (Matt. 24:45-47; 25:14-30) So the final remnant of the spirit-begotten “slave” class are now due to be here on earth and to be undergoing judgment.