A “Third Part” Preserved in a Purged LandParadise Restored to Mankind—By Theocracy!
“But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’
A “Third Part” Preserved in a Purged LandParadise Restored to Mankind—By Theocracy!
Just as the “faithful and discreet slave” pictures a class of anointed Christians who are actually in the household of the Master Jesus Christ as his “domestics,” so that “evil slave” pictures a class. This class of Christians, unlike the “weeds,” was anointed with God’s spirit and was a part of the Master’s household, he being a fellow slave therein. However, this class turns unfaithful, becomes self-seeking, loses self-control over its appetites, mistreats fellow slaves in an abuse of power and authority, and becomes careless and indifferent toward the matter of having to account with its Master at his coming.