The Fine Shepherd and “This Fold” of HisThe Watchtower—1984 | February 15
And Jesus, as a member of that chosen people, was born as one of the figurative sheep of which Jehovah was the Supreme Shepherd. Jesus himself was thus in a figurative sheepfold, the favored relationship with the Divine Shepherd as protected by the wall-like Mosaic Law covenant.
5. What is the reason for taking a different view of the sheepfold of John 10:1?
5 Are we here identifying the “sheepfold” of John chapter 10, verse 1, with the Mosaic Law covenant arrangement? Why, yes! The former explanation of the sheepfold as being the Abrahamic covenant was based on the view that John chapter 10 mentioned directly only one fold, and if that were so, then the Abrahamic covenant would be its logical meaning. However, further study of this chapter showed that Jesus actually spoke of more than one sheepfold. Thus, as we will see, an adjustment in explanation proved fitting.
The Fine Shepherd and “This Fold” of HisThe Watchtower—1984 | February 15
12. Who were the “strangers” that Jesus spoke of, and how was that the case?
12 Other Israelites who came and claimed to be the promised Messiah, or Christ, were the ones whom Jesus branded as strangers. They failed to be introduced as Jehovah’s Messianic Shepherd by his appointed “doorkeeper,” who was John, the one to whom Jesus himself came in order to be baptized.