World Conquerors by FaithThe Watchtower—1979 | February 1
When the Roman imperial power killed him, his few followers were scattered. Yet this man—Jesus Christ—is beyond compare as a world conqueror. On the eve of his execution he could tell his disciples: “Take courage! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33;
World Conquerors by FaithThe Watchtower—1979 | February 1
6. On what was Jesus’ conquest based?
6 Jesus himself illustrated, while here on earth, how we may complete this conquest by faith. He knew God’s Word. He found delight in that Word, and became skilled in using it as “the sword of the spirit.” (Eph. 6:17) Under temptation by Satan in the wilderness, he three times turned back the adversary, saying, “It is written.” His conquest was based on adherence to the Word of God. So must ours be.—Matt. 4:3-11.
7. How did Jesus launch out on his campaign of conquest?
7 As John the Baptizer’s work came to a close, Jesus launched out on his major campaign of conquest. “From that time on Jesus commenced preaching and saying: ‘Repent, you people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’” (Matt. 4:17) An electrifying message this! God’s kingdom was indeed at hand, in the person of the anointed Jesus himself. Throughout Galilee, in the Roman province of Perea and on into Jerusalem itself, Jesus preached the glad tidings as world conqueror and Messiah. Thousands listened. Many became his followers. But the ruling class, and especially the religious leaders, became his bitter opponents.
8. What shows that Jesus never faltered in his conquest?
8 Jesus did not waver in his integrity, for he knew that he must be a conqueror down to the end. When finally he faced death on a torture stake and the Roman governor questioned him with regard to his kingship, he could reply: “You yourself are saying that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37) Faithfully, he continued to bear witness to Kingdom truth. To the last he never faltered in making known his Father’s name, and he sanctified that precious name in the face of every reproach Satan could hurl against it. Thus, as world conqueror, Jesus could exclaim with his dying breath: “It [God’s work for him on earth] has been accomplished!”—John 19:30; 17:6, 20.