“Good Health to You!”The Watchtower—1982 | June 15
“Good Health to You!”
WITH such words the first-century governing body of Christians closed a letter to the congregations. The Greek expression they used had the thought, ‘Be made strong, keep well, be in health.’—Acts 15:29.
Though “Good health to you” served as what we call a letter’s complimentary closing, it touches on something dear to all of us—our health.
“Good Health to You!”The Watchtower—1982 | June 15
Christianity Is Good for Your Health
The first-century governing body’s letter explained that Christians should ‘abstain from fornication and from blood.’ (Acts 15:28, 29) This is wise even from the health standpoint. Fornication exposes persons to venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Blood transfusions have infected countless thousands with hepatitis and diseases like the often-fatal virus that Pope John Paul II received.