Anointing to a Heavenly Hope—How Is It Manifest?The Watchtower—1975 | February 15
How, then, does God’s holy spirit operate toward those whom he anoints? Romans 8:15-17 tells us, saying: “For you did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but you received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: ‘Abba, Father!’ The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children.
Anointing to a Heavenly Hope—How Is It Manifest?The Watchtower—1975 | February 15
Therefore the principal evidence one anointed to the heavenly calling has is this spirit or dominant sense of sonship, that is, of having been begotten by God to spiritual sonship as one of the 144,000 heirs of the heavenly kingdom. One genuinely begotten can testify in all good conscience that the heavenly hopes produced in him are not born of his own desires or imaginations but are from Jehovah God, the result of His spirit’s action toward such a one. (1 Pet. 1:3, 4; Rev. 14:1-3) This is at once an awesome privilege and a grave responsibility—becoming the spiritual son of the Universal Sovereign whose ‘name is majestic’ and of whom it is written, “Dignity and splendor are before him.” (Ps. 8:1; 96:6)