Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1959 | September 1
should take place, let him do what he wants; he does not sin. Let them marry.”—1 Cor. 7:9, 36.
True, for those unable to solve their problem in this way the Scriptural position presents a difficult task. However, let all such remember that keeping integrity is not easy. Our brothers behind the Iron Curtain have one kind of test; those in more favorable circumstances have another type of pressure brought upon them. If progress seems slow, let all such remember that there is value in keeping up the fight. So long as you are waging a good fight against self-abuse it is not likely that you will get disfellowshiped for having committed adultery or fornication. And for your comfort note the following, taken from The Watchtower, February 15, 1954, page 123:
“A further problem sometimes arises when we find ourselves stumbling and falling many times over some bad habit that has bitten more deeply into our former pattern of life than we had realized. Then we are inclined to feel very discouraged and quite unworthy of further handling the precious Kingdom interests and unfit to speak the pure message of truth. What should be done if you find yourself in such an unhappy state? Do not despair. Do not conclude you have committed the unforgivable sin. That is just how Satan would like you to reason. The fact that you feel grieved and vexed with yourself is proof in itself that you have not gone too far. Never weary of turning humbly and earnestly to God, seeking his forgiveness and cleansing and help. Go to him as a child goes to his father when in trouble no matter how often on the same weakness, and Jehovah will graciously give you the help because of his undeserved kindness and, if you are sincere, he will give you the realization of a cleansed conscience.”
Worldly-wise men without faith in God and in the Bible may feel loathe to condemn masturbation and insist that the practice does no harm. However, dedicated Christians will gladly accept the Scriptural position and will therefore strive to be holy even as Jehovah God is holy.
AnnouncementsThe Watchtower—1959 | September 1
September will witness the completion of the special three-month campaign during which the book “Your Will Be Done on Earth” and a booklet are being offered from house to house for 50c. Appreciating the importance of the valuable and timely information contained in the book, all English-speaking congregations and individuals holding territory not yet worked with this offer will endeavor to cover it before the month ends.
On Thursday, October 1, 1959, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, the annual meeting of the members of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania will be held at the Society’s office located at 4100 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Notice of the annual meeting will be sent to all the members. So that the letters of notice will reach the members shortly after September 1, all should be certain that the secretary’s office has their present addresses.
Proxies will accompany the notice of meeting. Each member should complete and return his proxy promptly whether he is going to be at the meeting personally or not and should do so so that the proxies will reach the office of the secretary of the Society not later than September 15.
Meeting a long-felt need, the new book Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose has just been released. Its 320 pages contain an authentic, fully documented history of Jehovah’s witnesses in modern times. It is hard bound in a dark-green, gold-lettered cover, is illustrated and has an extensive subject index. Send only $1 for your copy today.
October 11: Do All Things Jehovah’s Way, and Walking in the Name of Jehovah, ¶1-3. Page 520.
October 18: Walking in the Name of Jehovah, ¶4-20. Page 526.