Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1964 | July 1
So Christ, the archangel, uttered the loud command for his people to wake up out of the dust from the spiritually dead, sleeping condition they were in in 1918, in fear and captivity to Babylon the Great, and to become alive with activity, and this they did starting in 1919. This was accompanied by the sound of God’s “trumpet,” and so it takes place during the time of the trumpetlike proclamation that the great King has taken his throne.
They were “caught away” by being “snatched away” or delivered from bondage to Babylon the Great and her political paramours and brought into a free theocratic organization under the invisible Lord. A similar illustration is found in the parable of the wheat and the weeds in which the wheat class are spoken of as being harvested; and at Luke 17:34, 35 they are said to be “taken along.” They are like those taken into the ark with Noah, and like Lot and his family, who were taken by the angels into a place of safety. They are separated from this world, taken to serve as witnesses in the day of judgment for upholding the issue of Jehovah’s sovereignty.
Something in a cloud is invisible to human observers on earth, just as Christ was at his ascension when “a cloud caught him up from their vision.” (Acts 1:9) The remnant on earth are not invisible bodily, but certainly this position into which they are brought during the time of Christ’s invisible presence is not at all seen or recognized by the world. This catching away of them takes place “together with them,” or during the same time period as the resurrection of the faithful followers of Christ who have already died.
To “meet the Lord in the air” would not mean for the surviving remnant on earth to go to heaven directly. For millenniums Satan the Devil has been “the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience.” (Eph. 2:2) So ‘meeting the Lord in the air’ would mean their coming to know that the spirit Lord, Jesus Christ, is in authority in the air since ousting Satan from heaven, and their being brought into relationship with him in this authoritative capacity, being at unity with him at God’s spiritual temple and doing God’s will, carrying out the work he wants done on the earth at this time. The anointed remnant are now in this condition and, remaining therein until they finish their earthly course in death, they will be resurrected out beyond our atmosphere to the actual presence of the Lord in heaven just as those faithful followers who preceded them have been, thus ‘always being with the Lord.’
AnnouncementsThe Watchtower—1964 | July 1
All of Jehovah’s witnesses appreciate association with fellow Christians as they share in Jehovah’s service. It is strengthening and brings mutual encouragement. Besides that, their ministry is a source of encouragement to others who long for a knowledge of God’s Word. To aid such persons, during July Jehovah’s witnesses will offer the 704-page book “Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules!, along with a Bible-study booklet, on a contribution of 75c.
“Get out of her, my people!” This admonition is one of the strongest warnings of the Bible. It is recorded in the book of Revelation and is directed to everyone who professes belief in God. But, get out of what? And, flee where? And why? The answer to the last question is, Because your life depends upon it! The answers to the other two questions, and many more, are to be found in the 704-page book “Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules! Send for your copy and see what the prophecies concerning Babylon the Great mean to this generation. Send only 75c. For writing at once you will receive free the booklet God’s Kingdom Rules—Is the World’s End Near?
August 2: Gathered in Unity for Ministerial Work. Page 396.
August 9: “Fully Accomplish Your Ministry.” Page 403.