Prophesying with the Loyal OrganizationThe Watchtower—1961 | October 1
organization with which He does the prophesying foretold.
29. What, then, should be our action toward Christendom’s prophets?
29 The true prophesying is the outward evidence of the outpouring of Jehovah’s spirit. This prophesying, which is now engaged in not by a select few but by all members of whatever sort of flesh, is the foretold preaching of “this good news of the kingdom.” We are safe when within the organization that is loyal to Jehovah God, filled with his spirit and doing his ordained prophetic work. To Him each one of us should pray that he would unify our hearts to fear his name. The unifying of the heart of each individual to fear Jehovah’s name will make for the unifying of the entire loyal organization. All those in the organization will then speak with one mouth. (Rom. 15:6) Thus we shall be “standing firm in one spirit, with one soul fighting side by side for the faith of the good news, and in no respect being frightened by [our] opponents. . . . a proof . . . of salvation for [us]; and this indication is from God.”—Phil. 1:27, 28.
30. For being loyal to him, how will God act toward us with goodness?
30 For being loyal to God, he will be loyal to us. He will fulfill our united prayer: “Work out with me a sign meaning goodness, that those hating me may see it and be ashamed.” (Ps. 86:17) To their shame, but as a sign of goodness to us, Jehovah God will use us in completing the foretold prophesying, the preaching of the good news of his kingdom, using us thus with his loyal organization, down till the very end comes and he is fully vindicated.—Matt. 24:14.
Work Whole-souled for New World InterestsThe Watchtower—1961 | October 1
Work Whole-souled for New World Interests
“WHATEVER you are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah.” Note the underlying principle of these words addressed to slaves. Although they were working for earthly masters, they should do their work as if they were working for Jehovah.—Col. 3:23.a
What does it mean to work whole-souled at something? It means to work with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength. It means to be wholehearted, zealous and fully devoted to one’s work, doing it with all one’s power.
What are the New World interests at which we are to work hard? They include everything that one must do in order to gain life in the new world and to help others to do the same. Included, therefore, are individual Bible study, attendance at and participation in congregational meetings, the various features of the Christian field ministry, and caring for any assignment one may have as a servant or in some full-time capacity. Not to be overlooked are the New World interests of one’s own family.
Do you eagerly and enthusiastically care for the New World interests committed to you, or do you need to be reminded of your opportunities, your privileges, your obligations? Do you need to be coaxed, urged or humored to contribute your part toward making known the God, the King, the requirements and the blessings of the new world? Working whole-souled means to be looking for and making opportunities to serve and being willing, yes, anxious to do what we can.
True, some of us have more obstacles to contend with than do others, but should not these be viewed as merely an added challenge to be successfully met, thereby giving greater proof of love and appreciation? Surely! Look at the examples in the Scriptures of those who let nothing interfere with their whole-souled service to Jehovah God. Read chapters six and eleven of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians and see what obstacles he overcame! Let his example of faith and love inspire you to do likewise!
If any work deserves being done whole-souled it is the work of caring for the New World interests given us by Jehovah God.