Love and Boldness Lead to LifeThe Watchtower—1964 | January 1
because they love not only Jehovah, but his Son, Christ Jesus, and they are doing the will of God and following the commandments of Christ. Doing this in a world with the spirit it has against truth certainly takes love and boldness, but it certainly will lead to life and eternal happiness.
27. (a) Despite the good work of the witnesses of Jehovah, how do many religious organizations view them in our day? (b) What closing encouragement do Jehovah’s witnesses give to all who want life?
27 Even with all the teachings of the Bible that Jehovah’s witnesses carry on, some religious organizations of the world today claim that the Witnesses are not Christians, but that is because the religious organizations are jealous, even as were the Jewish priests. Jehovah’s witnesses are walking in the footsteps of Christ Jesus, and the false religionists know it! Jesus said: “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:34, 35) This love Jehovah’s witnesses do have and they proved it again in their Around-the-World Assembly in the summer of 1963. They must maintain that love even while in this present evil system of things in order to receive the blessing of Jehovah God and everlasting life. If you have the love and the boldness of the early Christians, then get out of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, and serve Jehovah God and obey the commandments of Christ Jesus with Jehovah’s witnesses and have their joy in preaching the “everlasting good news.”
“Fight the Fine Fight of the Faith”The Watchtower—1964 | January 1
“Fight the Fine Fight of the Faith”
TIME and again the Scriptures liken the course of a Christian to that of a soldier. One such instance is where the apostle Paul wrote Timothy: “Fight the fine fight of the faith, get a firm hold on the everlasting life for which you were called and you offered the fine public declaration in front of many witnesses.”—1 Tim. 6:12.a
What is that faith? “The faith” is the faith that Jesus and his disciples and apostles had in Jehovah God and in the inspiration of the Hebrew Scriptures. And today “the faith” includes faith in the Christian Greek Scriptures.—2 Pet. 2:4-9; 3:15, 16.
What does it mean to fight the fine fight of the faith? It means preaching the Word of God, the good news of God’s kingdom, from house to house, on the streets, in the homes and wherever else an opportunity presents itself—doing so despite indifference and ridicule. And where the “superior authorities” ban preaching the good news, it means continuing to do so underground. As the early Christians were an organization of preachers, so Christ’s followers today must likewise be preachers, in both favorable and unfavorable season.—2 Tim. 4:2.
Jesus Christ set a fine example in fighting the fine fight of the faith. He did not close his mouth because of opposition by the rulers of his day, but continued preaching faithfully even though it meant death on the torture stake. The apostle Paul also set a fine example. Among the things he willingly endured in fighting the fine fight of the faith were being persecuted by the Jews, beaten with rods, stoned, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and suffering from hunger and thirst.—Heb. 12:2; 2 Cor. 11:23-28.
To be able to fight the fine fight strengthen your faith by taking in knowledge of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Read God’s Word daily and study it with the helps God has provided, such as this magazine. For a strong faith it is also imperative that you do not forsake gathering together with others who are also fighting the fine fight of the faith. At the same time keep asking God to increase and strengthen your faith.—Heb. 10:23-25, 38, 39.
And what will be the reward for fighting the fine fight of the faith? The reward of a firm hold on the everlasting life promised to all faithful servants of Jehovah God and to be enjoyed in God’s new system of things.—1 Tim. 6:12.