God Cherishes the Lowly OnesThe Watchtower—1973 | February 15
Circumstances surrounding men produce all manner of personal frustrations. This is because people are of all kinds of backgrounds, of “all sorts.” This variety in the background and circumstances of people is truly extensive. Some persons have much education, others less, and some have relatively little. Some have one racial origin, others another and, of course, there are many nationalities and an even greater number of languages that people use. The social status varies from person to person as do physical and mental abilities. While all have an inheritance of imperfection and therefore are without real hope of life outside the provisions Jehovah God has made, the extent of individual transgression of God’s righteous requirements varies from person to person. There seems to be no end to the variety of backgrounds and circumstances of mankind.
God Cherishes the Lowly OnesThe Watchtower—1973 | February 15
whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
God Cherishes the Lowly OnesThe Watchtower—1973 | February 15
From this, what “sorts” of men are denied an opportunity to be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth? None! So all persons should take advantage of the divine offer.