Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1951 | April 1
this it is apparent that the image of Adam was not the same as the image of the resurrected Christ, a spirit creature. The appearance of Christ resurrected as a spirit creature was unknown to Christians. They knew he was in God’s “express image”, or “the exact representation of his very being”, but they did not consider that “express image” or “exact representation” to be in the form of man, which was known to them. They also knew that eventually they would see God and be like him, whenever they would be raised as spirit creatures to reign with Christ: “Beloved ones, now we are children of God, but as yet it has not been made manifest what we shall be. We do know that whenever he is made manifest we shall be like him, because we shall see him just as he is.”—Heb. 1:3; 1 John 3:2, NW.
From all this it is clear that the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures did not consider the form of men to be the same as God’s form or as the resurrected Christ’s form. Hence it seems certain that when Jehovah said to the Logos (Christ’s title before becoming a man on earth), “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,” he was not referring to any literal form or appearance. The Logos underwent great change to be made into man’s likeness. (Phil. 2:7) So we hold to the previously published explanation that man was made in their image and likeness in that as Jehovah’s attributes are justice, love, wisdom and power, so man was created with these same attributes, which set him apart from all other earthly forms of life and equip him to exercise dominion over them and to visibly represent Jehovah on earth. Since the divine attributes are also possessed by the Logos, the Creator could rightly speak of such things to the Logos as “our image” and “our likeness”.—Gen. 1:28; 5:3; Ps. 89:14; Prov. 2:6; 3:19, 20; Dan. 2:20; 1 John 4:8.
AnnouncementsThe Watchtower—1951 | April 1
Law-abiding, orderly men and women heed the commands of the Supreme Authority of the Universe and his King and thus come under “subjection to the superior authorities”. (Rom. 13:1, NW) Their command governing the personal conduct and worship of all creatures desiring life is set forth in these words, ‘Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.’
During the month of May, Jehovah’s witnesses will demonstrate their subjection to the superior authorities, by obeying the command to love and serve their neighbors by offering them the knowledge so necessary to gain the way to life and approval from the supreme authorities by means of the book “This Means Everlasting Life” and a self-covered booklet. You too, dear reader, will want to obey the superior authorities; and this is the opportune time and occasion. Join in with Jehovah’s witnesses. Tell your friends and neighbors, acquaint them with this life-giving message by simply telling them what the book contains, and ask them to read it for themselves. Feel free to write in and ask any question you may have in this regard, then send us a report on the results of your efforts to assist others to gain everlasting life by being in subjection to the superior authorities. The accepted contribution for the above book and booklet is 35 cents.
Knowledge that life everlasting in happiness and unending youth is possible should and does make informed persons most joyful. Many may skeptically say, “It isn’t possible!” How this is made possible and why it is available now to men of all kinds is presented in a 32-page booklet entitled “Can You Live Forever in Happiness on Earth?” You too would like to see this come about and actually enjoy it, wouldn’t you? For your eternal welfare read the information in this booklet as it is set before you in plain, simple and easy-to-understand language. This knowledge brings with it peace of mind, contentment and satisfaction. You too can possess this knowledge. Obtain a copy, read the factual evidence it contains and be encouraged by its refreshing and wholesome truths. Sent postpaid, 5c per copy.
Week of May 6: Who Sees the New World’s King at the Temple? ¶1-23.
Week of May 13: Who Sees the New World’s King at the Temple? ¶24-27; and Commissioning of Witnesses in the Time of the End.