Not Holding Our Lives Too DearThe Watchtower—1976 | May 1
5. (a) What key weapon has Satan used to break integrity? (b) How can we enjoy freedom from fear?
5 Throughout the centuries Satan has used as the ultimate threat, the key weapon, the fear of violent death to try to break the integrity of Jehovah’s servants. Most people do not get too concerned or upset at the advent of old age with the prospect of eventual death, but may get very fearful if threatened with immediate death, being inclined to compromise or do anything to avoid it. Satan well knows this. But we should remember the faithful course of Jesus, that he learned obedience by the things he suffered and that he showed his loyalty even to death. As Hebrews 2:14, 15 says, it was “through his death [that] he might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil;
Not Holding Our Lives Too DearThe Watchtower—1976 | May 1
8, 9. (a) What power does Jesus now posses ? (b) Why should we not be fearful about facing trials?
8 Having proved his loyalty to death, Jesus was raised by Jehovah to spirit life in the heavens where he is in a position to ‘bring Satan to nothing’ as the one who has used both the threat and the execution of violent death in his efforts to control mankind and to break the faith of the righteous ones. (Heb. 2:14)