The Christian Woman’s Need for a Head Covering—When?The Watchtower—1964 | April 1
in the truth and shows no desire to make any move to associate with the New World society. What then? Recall what we read earlier from 1 Peter 3:1, 2? “You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect.” Yes, the one thing that might win such husbands to the truth is the conduct of their wives, faithful wifely subjection along with deep respect.—1 Cor. 7:16.
18. What does the Christian wife maintain by her faithfulness in wifely subjection, and to whom is this a special blessing?
18 Because of such faithfulness the Christian wife at all times maintains her spiritual attractiveness before Jehovah and the Christian congregation. The dedicated man married to such a wife should be most appreciative of such a blessing, for she is indeed a glory to him. If her husband has not yet accepted the truth the Christian wife will maintain her chaste conduct with deep respect, for this may open his eyes to see what a fine wife he has and be led to accept the truth. What a wonderful blessing that will prove to be for him and for her!
Her Head Covering and Congregational ActivitiesThe Watchtower—1964 | April 1
Her Head Covering and Congregational Activities
1, 2. In what ways may a head covering enhance the attractiveness of the Christian woman, and what matters having to do with head covering will now be discussed?
A HEAD covering that is well chosen can do much to enhance the natural beauty and attractiveness of a woman. When worn as a sign of Christian subjection it enhances her more valuable spiritual attractiveness. While for this latter purpose the Christian woman would not want to wear as a head covering some frivolous and eye-catching “creation,” yet there is no reason why her head covering should not at the same time contribute to her outward appearance in a modest and becoming way.
2 In the previous article (paragraph 3) three basic situations were mentioned that would require a woman to wear a head covering as a sign of Christian subjection. The first of these has been fully discussed, so we can now take up a consideration of the other two. These have to do with the woman’s activities in relation to the congregation.
3. (a) Does a sister need to wear a head covering when in house-to-house work accompanied by a brother, and why so? (b) But what else needs to be kept in mind?
3 First, we might consider the matter from the standpoint of the field ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses, from house to house, making return visits and conducting home Bible studies. For example, would it