World Communism as God Views ItThe Watchtower—1966 | September 1
“And I saw a new heaven [invisible ruling power] and a new earth [new order of things on the earth]: for the first heaven and the first earth [the old order] were passed away; and there was no more sea [restless, anarchistic humanity]. . . . ”—Note also on page 38 the statement: “Under that government wars, famines, pestilences, revolutions and anarchy will forever cease.”
Since that time much more has been published by Jehovah’s witnesses, telling of the Bible promise of life on a paradise earth, resurrection and blessings under Christ’s Kingdom rule.
Jehovah’s witnesses carry on an intelligent, organized, Bible-directed work with a message that will help life seekers to get out of the “sea” of peoples alienated from God. Being unclean and thickened like blood, it is an element in which no one can keep living, just as “every living soul died, yes, the things in the sea,” in Revelation’s vision. (Re 16:3) Persons who want to live in God’s new order in which there will be a new heavens and a new earth and in which the symbolic “sea” will be no more will, like God, view Communism and all the radicals, revolutionaries, anarchists and pushers for world domination by ungodly Communism as dead. The fact that people are learning this greatly plagues the Communist leaders but they are unable to stop the plague and they continue to harden themselves, making their destruction more sure.c
Christianity—a Way of LifeThe Watchtower—1966 | September 1
Christianity—a Way of Life
MILLIONS of people know at least a small amount about Jesus’ teachings. However, being acquainted with the basics of Christian doctrine does not mean that one is a Christian, because Christianity is a way of life, not just a set of teachings.
The apostle Peter highlighted this point. He encouraged fellow Christians to maintain their conduct, their way of life, fine so that other persons might see their works and glorify God.—1 Pet. 2:12.
In our day, also, true Christians strive to demonstrate in their daily conduct that Christianity is a way of life. Recently a traveling minister of Jehovah’s witnesses in Kansas concluded a three-day circuit assembly for the Witnesses in that area. Before leaving town he stopped in at a hotel.
When the hotel manager, to whom the Witness was speaking, realized that the minister was connected with the assembly, he stated: “I’ve been in the hotel business for some time. I’ve attended many conventions of different kinds, and had large groups in the hotel before. But I’ve never experienced anything to compare with the past three days. I had practically every room in this hotel filled with your people, even had some of them in rooms which I don’t normally use. I know that some were in rooms which were certainly not up to the standards they normally enjoy, but I didn’t hear of a complaint of any kind, a harsh word, or any rowdiness, even though there were many young people here. I want you to pass the word along to your hospitality committee or your public relations people that they have done a fine job.”
The minister realized that the manager thought the Witnesses who stayed in his hotel were specially selected or had been briefed before they checked into the hotel. So he explained that that was not the case—that his guests were typical Witnesses who behaved in the way he described because they followed Bible principles.
Then, obviously moved by emotions, the manager said: “You know, several of your people actually came to me personally and invited me to attend your Sunday meeting. In all the years I’ve been in this town, that’s the first time anyone ever invited me to their services, or indicated that they cared about me. I really appreciated that, even though I couldn’t come. Why, you know, they even left some Bible literature in the lobby for the other guests and never asked a contribution.” After mentioning the neatness of the rooms, he concluded: “You people have something that most people have lost.”