Marked Days During the “Time of the End”Our Incoming World Government—God’s Kingdom
46. What marked Friday, May 28, of the 1926 London convention?
46 On Friday, May 28, J. F. Rutherford as president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society submitted to the London conventioners the resolution entitled “A Testimony to the Rulers of the World.” This was the fifth in a series of resolutions adopted at annual conventions of the I.B.S.A. This London resolution together with its supporting message proved to be the start of the pouring out of the fifth “plague” as foretold in Revelation 16:10, 11. Quite significantly that fifth plague began to be poured out at London, England, the capital of the British Empire, which was the British member of the Seventh World Power of Bible prophecy, the Anglo-American Dual World Power, the most mighty of all the world powers of history. The corporate offices of the I.B.S.A. were located in London.
Marked Days During the “Time of the End”Our Incoming World Government—God’s Kingdom
49. What events marked Sunday, May 30, 1926, at London?
49 Sunday, May 30, crowned the happiness and blessing of this history-making convention, with about 4,000 present. At 2:00 p.m., there was a baptismal service at the Alexandra Palace, after which 184 were immersed in water as dedicated witnesses of the Most High God. That night, the conventioners moved over to Britain’s then largest auditorium, the Royal Albert Hall, for the public lecture by the I.B.S.A. president, J. F. Rutherford, on the subject “Why World Powers Are Tottering—The Remedy.” The Hall was packed to overflowing, with more than 10,000 present. After the reading of the Resolution “A Testimony to the Rulers of the World,” President Rutherford proceeded with his talk. He led up to the Eighth World Power as foretold in Bible prophecy, then the League of Nations, and pointed forward to the failure of such an international organization for world peace and security. Human rule of mankind would end up in the world’s greatest catastrophe, and then would come The Remedy, God’s kingdom by Christ, with peace, prosperity, health, life and happiness for all humankind. In conclusion, the speaker said:
50. In conclusion, what did the public speaker say in appeal?
50 “Let the kings and rulers of the earth now give their allegiance and devotion to the Lord. Let them acknowledge Jehovah as God, and Christ Jesus as his anointed King; and thus doing they will render a real service to the people and put themselves in line for the eternal blessings of Jehovah.” The following day one of London’s newspapers came out with a full report of this public lecture spreading across an entire page, so that many more thousands read this challenging Kingdom message than heard it at Royal Albert Hall. So the foretold fifth “plague” was indeed being poured out!