Cause of Humanity’s Distress Nears RemovalThe Watchtower—1973 | October 15
This misleading of the political rulers was prophetically pictured for us in this description of the operation in Revelation 16:13-16:
Cause of Humanity’s Distress Nears RemovalThe Watchtower—1973 | October 15
They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. . . . And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.”
6. (a) From what, in actuality, do the inspired expressions come forth, and what is the leading one? (b) For what purpose do the inspired expressions gather earth’s kings, and in what formation at Har–Magedon?
6 Those unclean inspired expressions issue from the mouth of Satan the invisible dragon and out of the mouths of Satan’s visible earthly agencies, namely, Satan’s beastlike worldwide political system and the political world power that makes false prophecies for the whole realm of human politics. Being false, that political prophet is no mouthpiece or propagandist of God. In consideration of their source, those three inspired expressions are unclean like frogs, and it is for an unclean purpose that they gather the earthly kings and their armies to Har–Magedon. The carrying out of this unclean purpose can mean only “woe” for distressed humanity, because the leading froglike inspired expression comes out of the mouth of Satan the symbolic dragon, who is furious at having been ousted from heaven. His forced coming down to the earth was predicted to mean only “woe for the earth and for the sea.” (Rev. 12:12) Under the driving force of the unclean inspired expressions the “kings of the entire inhabited earth” are gathered, not against one another in international war, but together, all on the one side of the battlefield of Har–Magedon.