Not Remaining Silent on the World’s DoomThe Watchtower—1951 | September 1
in the last days of this old world Jehovah, whose prophecies never fail, will likewise preserve his own fearless, visible servant body and their companions through the battle of Armageddon as a testimony to his own supremacy. Such assurance from the Scriptures brings us further strength and great joy. We see there are so many different ways to publish the message now; indeed all who desire are enabled to join in the world-wide shout of praise to Jehovah. So then let us, as individuals, wherever we may be, do all within our power to personally have a part in the wonderful victorious completion of the witness work by now standing active and unafraid as Jehovah’s witnesses right down to the end.—Matt. 24:13.
Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1951 | September 1
Questions From Readers
● Light (Book Two) states that the binding and abyssing of Satan referred to at Revelation 20:2, 3 means his death. “This Means Everlasting Life”, page 271, speaks of Satan and his demons being “hurled into the abyss of total deathlike inactivity”. Why does this later book speak of it in this way?—R. S., California.
“The Truth Shall Make You Free” parallels the abyss of Revelation 20:3, in which Satan is cast, to the abyss of Romans 10:7 (NW), where Jesus lay dead for three days. Hence it concludes, “The abyss into which Satan the Devil is cast for a thousand years is the same condition as that in which Christ Jesus was for three days, namely, death.” (Pages 350, 351) It is true that Satan is completely out of existence during his thousand-year binding in the abyss, but the later expression on this point as given in the book “This Means Everlasting Life” allows more latitude of meaning. To say that Satan is “hurled into the abyss of total deathlike inactivity” allows for the thought that the body of Satan may not be entirely dissolved, but leaves open the possibility that it may be preserved in some way suitable to spiritual bodies, just as we might preserve a body of flesh and blood in cold storage or deep freeze. The creature Satan, of course, is dead so far as he is concerned, being completely lifeless and unconscious, and not merely in some sort of coma during which life processes continue. The body of that spirit creature might easily be preserved by God and merely resuscitated at the end of the thousand years, for the foretold “little season”. Incidentally, the human body of Jesus did not decay away when he went to the abyss, but was miraculously disposed of by Jehovah God. (Ps. 16:10; Acts 2:31) The specific method employed in binding Satan in the abyss should be no point for controversy. The important point is that he is to be completely out of the way and unable to interfere with the blessed activities of the Millennium. Then after his resuscitation for the “little season”, his final death and bodily dissolution are complete and permanent, as symbolized by his being cast, not into the abyss this time, but into the “lake of fire and sulphur”.—Rev. 20:10, NW.
● What did the apostle Paul mean when he said of Christ, “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily”?—J. D., Canada.
According to the New World Translation Colossians 2:8, 9 reads very enlighteningly: “Look out: perhaps there may be some man that will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ; because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells for the body.” Hence those who are of the “body of Christ” must look to Jesus the Head for all their blessings and guidance and instruction from God, and not to human philosophers and traditionalists. Jesus has the fullness of all that we need since he has been raised up a spirit Son of God, immortal, divine.