Where to Turn in Time of StressThe Watchtower—1961 | December 1
Grief over the death of one loved is turned into assured expectation of the resurrection promised by Jesus, who said: “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.” (John 5:28, 29) Faith in the early fulfillment of that promise instills a strong will to live. Learning Bible principles and the good news of God’s kingdom brings healthful peace of mind and guides one away from unwise actions that would produce further stress. It becomes possible to bear old age and chronic illness cheerfully when one knows that our generation is on the threshold of the time when sickness, pain, sorrow and death will be removed from mankind.—Rev. 21:3-5.
Not only does turning to Jehovah give one strength to endure physical illness patiently, but in spiritual sickness due to transgression one can ask mature Christians to pray to God for his forgiveness and his healing spirit on behalf of the distressed one. (Jas. 5:13-15) In economic crisis Jehovah’s servants properly request him to make possible their getting sufficient “daily bread.” (Matt. 6:11; Prov. 30:7-9) Under stress of persecution Christians turn to Jehovah for deliverance or strength to endure for righteousness’ sake. (Ps. 143:9; 1 Cor. 10:13) For deliverance from temptation we can also ask with confidence.—Matt. 6:13; 26:41.
When the Christian witnesses of Jehovah call at your door with Bible in hand, remember Cornelius’ wise course. Gather your family together to hear the things Jehovah has commanded them to say. They will eagerly teach you how to turn to Jehovah in these times of increasing stress. In fact, take the initiative, as Cornelius did; send word to the nearest Kingdom Hall for one of Jehovah’s witnesses to call at your home. Making known the true God and his wonderful purpose for mankind is their delight. To you and your friends Jehovah’s witnesses enthusiastically say: “Look! This is our God. We have hoped in him, and he will save us. This is Jehovah. We have hoped in him. Let us be joyful and rejoice in the salvation by him.”—Isa. 25:9.
Yes, get to know Jehovah God without delay. He is the one to whom to turn in time of stress.
Religious DelinquentsThe Watchtower—1961 | December 1
Religious Delinquents
“Virtually all of the 761 delinquents examined in Passaic, N.J., by sociologist William C. Kvaraceus of Boston University were affiliated with some church, and three quarters of them attended church regularly or occasionally. Of the 2,317 delinquents studied by Dr. William Wattenberg of Wayne University in Detroit, 43.5 percent attended church regularly and 25.5 percent occasionally. And a surprisingly high proportion of the juvenile delinquents brought to the courts of Boston and New York city have also been found to be regular church attenders, according to a study of the Harvard Divinity School,” says Parent’s Magazine of November, 1960. Does this not suggest that there is a decided deficiency in the educational program of these churches? Yes, there is a “famine . . . for hearing the words of Jehovah.”—Amos 8:11.