Leaves of HealingThe Watchtower—1951 | May 15
reached, at the latest by the end of the thousand years. This gradual progress in physical health will depend upon their progress in the way of righteousness under Christ’s millennial rule.
10. (a) Why will cures then be possible only from God through Christ? (b) How will further disease possibilities be cauterized out?
10 There will be no need to cast demons or unclean spirits out of anybody then, because these will all be bound with Satan their ruler in the abyss. So no wizards, witches, necromancers, spirit mediums will be possible then, and no misinformed religionists will be able to go around and hold healing periods and perform supernatural cures by the power of Satan the Devil who always tries to transform himself into an angel of light and mislead mankind. (2 Cor. 11:13-15) The only cures then possible will be from God through Christ the King and will be without financial charge. All those who undergo the full divine treatment till the great Physician discharges them from treatment because completely cured will be able to meet the loosing of Satan and his demons at the end of the thousand years. None will then be too weak to meet and repel his deceptive assaults and hold on to their perfect health of body, mind and heart against his infectious efforts. Those who yield to his deceptions will do so, not due to some lurking disability in their system, but willfully and on their own inexcusable responsibility. God and his King will not permit these rebels against theocratic government and righteousness to live on and contaminate and infect the new world with death-breeding sin. They will destroy them utterly, cauterizing out the disease possibilities with the fire of everlasting destruction.—Rev. 20:7-15.
11. So what will be the grand result of God’s health program for earth and its inhabitants?
11 This will represent the climax of the great Physician’s health program. Those who keep their complete spiritual soundness by their integrity under this final test will be justified to eternal life on the paradise earth. They will eat of its perfect fruits and sustain their lives in God’s image and likeness, with everlasting joy upon their heads. Earth will no more be labeled with a sign, “Beware! Contagious disease here,” to warn the rest of the universe. Divine healing will have attained the miraculous result predicted: “Look! the tent of God is with humankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away.”—Rev. 21:3, 4, NW.
Pastor Says Church Fails in DutyThe Watchtower—1951 | May 15
Pastor Says Church Fails in Duty
● Asked whether religious groups were meeting the needs of the community today, a religious pastor, Owen Geer, told a Los Angeles, California, roundtable discussion group on May 29, 1950: “No, religious groups could be many times more effective in our time than they are.” R. K. Staley, prominent lay member of the Hollywood Presbyterian Church, supported Pastor Geer, stating: “The people have asked for bread, but the church has given them a stone. Creation is no chance occurrence, and so man himself is no chance development. The church should have opened the door to understanding so man could feel his relationship to the Creator.” Geer later filled out his own remarks when he said: “The question is not so much what the church has done as what the church might have done had it fulfilled its mission. The church could have been many times more effective than it has been. It could unite in all its strength to abolish war, if it would. Why don’t we do this? Why do we permit sectarianism and racialism?”