Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
6. What two figurative women will we now discuss?
6 Let us consider Proverbs chapter 9, where we read about wisdom and foolishness, personified as two women. (Compare Romans 5:14; Galatians 4:24.) As we do so, bear in mind that Satan’s world is obsessed with immoral sex and pornography. (Eph. 4:19) So it is vital that we continue to cultivate godly fear and turn away from bad. (Prov. 16:6) Consequently, all of us, whether male or female, can benefit from what this chapter presents. Each of the two women is described as extending an invitation to the inexperienced—those “lacking good sense.” Each says, as it were, ‘Come into my house and have a meal.’ (Prov. 9:1, 5, 6, 13, 16, 17) But there is a vast difference in the results, or outcomes, presented.
Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
The “stupid woman” extends an invitation that can lead to tragic consequences (See paragraph 7)
(Read Proverbs 9:13-18.)
Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
9-10. What are some reasons why we should avoid sexually immoral conduct?
9 There are valid reasons why we should avoid sexually immoral conduct. The “stupid woman” is described as saying: “Stolen waters are sweet.” What are “stolen waters”? The Bible likens sexual intimacies that a married couple may enjoy to refreshing water. (Prov. 5:15-18) Husband and wife can find pleasure in appropriate sexual acts within their legal marriage. How different, though, with “stolen waters.” That may refer to illicit, immoral sex. Such often occurs in secret, just as a thief often steals in secret. The “stolen waters” may seem particularly sweet if those involved feel that they are getting away with their sinful course. What a sad deception! Jehovah sees all. Nothing could be more bitter than losing his favor, so there is nothing “sweet” about that tragic loss. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) But there is more.
10 Sexual immorality can cause shame, a sense of worthlessness, unwanted pregnancies, and broken families. Clearly, it is the course of wisdom to avoid the stupid woman’s “house” and the meal.
Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
Accepting the invitation from “true wisdom” can lead to life (See paragraphs 17-18)
17-18. What blessings are being enjoyed by those who accept the invitation from “true wisdom,” and what can they look forward to? (See also picture.)
17 Using the imagery of two figurative women, Jehovah has laid the basis for us to enjoy a blessed outcome. Those responding to the invitation from the loud and “stupid woman” focus on enjoying “sweet,” secret pleasures. Frankly, they are living for the moment, ignoring the future. Their outcome is in “the depths of the Grave.”—Prov. 9:13, 17, 18.