Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
The “stupid woman” extends an invitation that can lead to tragic consequences (See paragraph 7)
(Read Proverbs 9:13-18.)
Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
The “stupid woman” extends an invitation that can lead to tragic consequences (See paragraph 7)
“Those powerless in death are there.” You may recall similar figurative language found earlier in Proverbs. We are warned about “the wayward” and “immoral woman.” We are told: “Her house sinks down into death.” (Prov. 2:11-19) Proverbs 5:3-10 contains an alert about another “wayward woman” whose “feet descend into death.”
Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
In addition to facing spiritual death, many immoral people contract diseases that lead to a premature literal death. (Prov. 7:23, 26) Verse 18 of chapter 9 concludes: “Her guests are in the depths of the Grave.” Why, then, do many accept her deceptive invitation that leads to tragedy?—Prov. 9:13-18.
Continue to Benefit From Godly FearThe Watchtower (Study)—2023 | June
Accepting the invitation from “true wisdom” can lead to life (See paragraphs 17-18)
17-18. What blessings are being enjoyed by those who accept the invitation from “true wisdom,” and what can they look forward to? (See also picture.)
17 Using the imagery of two figurative women, Jehovah has laid the basis for us to enjoy a blessed outcome. Those responding to the invitation from the loud and “stupid woman” focus on enjoying “sweet,” secret pleasures. Frankly, they are living for the moment, ignoring the future. Their outcome is in “the depths of the Grave.”—Prov. 9:13, 17, 18.