Woe to the Rebels!Isaiah’s Prophecy—Light for All Mankind I
1. What terrible error did Jeroboam make?
WHEN Jehovah’s covenant people were divided into two kingdoms, the northern ten-tribe kingdom came under the rulership of Jeroboam. The new king was an able, energetic ruler. But he lacked real faith in Jehovah. Because of this he made a terrible error that blighted the whole history of the northern kingdom. Under the Mosaic Law, the Israelites were commanded to travel three times a year up to the temple in Jerusalem, which was now in the southern kingdom of Judah. (Deuteronomy 16:16) Afraid that such regular journeys would make his subjects think about reunification with their southern brothers, Jeroboam “made two golden calves and said to the people: ‘It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here is your God, O Israel, that brought you up out of the land of Egypt.’ Then he placed the one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.”—1 Kings 12:28, 29.
2, 3. What effects did Jeroboam’s error have on Israel?
2 In the short term, Jeroboam’s plan seemed to work. The people gradually left off going to Jerusalem and took up worshiping before the two calves. (1 Kings 12:30) However, this apostate religious practice corrupted the ten-tribe kingdom. In later years, even Jehu, who had shown such commendable zeal in clearing Baal worship out of Israel, continued to bow down to the golden calves. (2 Kings 10:28, 29) What else resulted from Jeroboam’s tragically wrong decision? Political instability and suffering for the people.
3 Because Jeroboam had become apostate, Jehovah said that his seed would not reign over the land, and in the end the northern kingdom would suffer a terrible disaster. (1 Kings 14:14, 15) Jehovah’s word proved true. Seven of Israel’s kings ruled for two years or less—some for only a few days. One king committed suicide, and six were assassinated by ambitious men who usurped the throne. Especially after the reign of Jeroboam II, which ended about 804 B.C.E. while Uzziah was reigning in Judah, Israel was plagued with unrest, violence, and assassinations. It is against this backdrop that Jehovah through Isaiah sends a direct warning, or “word,” to the northern kingdom. “There was a word that Jehovah sent against Jacob, and it fell upon Israel.”—Isaiah 9:8.a
Woe to the Rebels!Isaiah’s Prophecy—Light for All Mankind I
a Isaiah 9:8–10:4 is made up of four strophes (sections of a rhythmic passage), each ending with the ominous refrain: “In view of all this his anger has not turned back, but his hand is stretched out still.” (Isaiah 9:12, 17, 21; 10:4) This literary device has the effect of binding Isaiah 9:8–10:4 into one composite “word.” (Isaiah 9:8) Note, too, that Jehovah’s “hand is stretched out still,” not to offer reconciliation, but to judge.—Isaiah 9:13.