Jehovah Pours Out Indignation Upon the NationsIsaiah’s Prophecy—Light for All Mankind I
16, 17. What will Edom become, and how long will it continue in such a state?
16 Isaiah’s prophecy continues, foretelling that Edom’s human population will be replaced by wild animals, implying a coming desolation: “From generation to generation she will be parched; forever and ever no one will be passing across her. And the pelican and the porcupine must take possession of her, and long-eared owls and ravens themselves will reside in her; and he must stretch out over her the measuring line of emptiness and the stones of wasteness. Her nobles—there are none there whom they will call to the kingship itself, and her very princes will all become nothing. On her dwelling towers thorns must come up, nettles and thorny weeds in her fortified places; and she must become an abiding place of jackals, the courtyard for the ostriches. And haunters of waterless regions must meet up with howling animals, and even the goat-shaped demon will call to its companion. Yes, there the nightjar will certainly take its ease and find for itself a resting-place. There the arrow snake has made its nest and lays eggs.”—Isaiah 34:10b-15.a
17 Yes, Edom will become an empty land. It will become a wasteland with only wild beasts, birds, and snakes in it.
Jehovah Pours Out Indignation Upon the NationsIsaiah’s Prophecy—Light for All Mankind I
a By Malachi’s time, this prophecy had been fulfilled. (Malachi 1:3) Malachi reports that Edomites hoped to repossess their desolated land. (Malachi 1:4) However, this was not Jehovah’s will, and later another people, the Nabataeans, took possession of what had been the land of Edom.