Jehovah’s Blessing on Our “Land”The Watchtower—1999 | March 1
15. What shows that not everyone will accept God’s provisions for life, and what is the end result for such ones?
15 Of course, not all respond favorably now to the message of life; nor will all those who are resurrected during the Millennial Reign of Christ do so. (Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 21:8) The angel declares that parts of the sea are not healed. These marshy, lifeless places are ‘given to salt.’ (Ezekiel 47:11) As to the people of our day, not all who are offered Jehovah’s life-giving water accept it. (Isaiah 6:10) At Armageddon, all of those who have chosen to remain in a spiritually lifeless and sick condition will be given to salt, that is, destroyed forever. (Revelation 19:11-21) However, those who have been faithfully drinking these waters can hope to survive and see the final fulfillment of this prophecy.
Jehovah’s Blessing on Our “Land”The Watchtower—1999 | March 1
Sadly, some will refuse to be healed, even in Paradise. These rebels are the ones ‘given to the salt’ of everlasting destruction.—Revelation 20:15.