Prophecies That Came TrueThe Bible—God’s Word or Man’s?
32. According to Daniel’s prophecy, how long would Jesus’ earthly ministry be, and what would happen at the end of it?
32 The prophecy adds: “And after the sixty-two weeks [of years] shall the anointed one be cut off.”
Prophecies That Came TrueThe Bible—God’s Word or Man’s?
34. In harmony with Daniel’s prophecy, what happened to fleshly Israel because they rejected the Messiah?
34 Because the Jewish nation rejected Jesus and conspired to have him executed, Jehovah did not protect them when the Romans came and destroyed Jerusalem in 70 C.E. Thus, Daniel’s further words were fulfilled: “And the people of the other prince who shall come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and even to the end there shall be war.” (Daniel 9:26b, AB) This second “prince” was Titus, the Roman general who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 C.E.