Bible Book Number 27—Daniel“All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial”
(1) There is the vision of the dreadful image, whose head of gold represents the dynasty of Babylonian kings starting with Nebuchadnezzar, after which three other kingdoms rise, as pictured by the other parts of the image. These are the kingdoms that are crushed by the “stone,” which in its turn becomes “a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin,” God’s Kingdom. (2:31-45)
Bible Book Number 27—Daniel“All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial”
23. (a) How is the Kingdom hope emphasized throughout Daniel? (b) What should this book of prophecy encourage us to do?
23 The Kingdom hope is emphasized throughout the book of Daniel in a faith-inspiring way! Jehovah God is shown as the Supreme Sovereign who sets up a Kingdom that will never be brought to ruin and that will crush all other kingdoms. (2:19-23, 44; 4:25)
Bible Book Number 27—Daniel“All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial”
He is Michael, the great prince, who exercises his Kingdom power to crush and put an end to all the kingdoms of this old world. (Dan. 12:1; 2:44; Matt. 24:3, 21; Rev. 12:7-10)