Glorify Jehovah by Fine Works
1 When you are caught in a bad storm, how good it is to be able to find shelter! If it is warm and safe inside and if the residents are hospitable, you are glad to stay there. The Kingdom-preaching work directs people to such shelter from Satan’s system. Can our daily conduct help others see how inviting this safe haven is? Yes, for Jesus said that people would ‘see our fine works and give glory to our Father who is in the heavens.’—Matt. 5:16.
2 How can we conduct ourselves so that our works will attract others to Jehovah and his organization? By letting Jesus’ words recorded at Luke 6:31 and 10:27 mold our lives each day. This will motivate us to show loving concern for fellow humans, differentiating us from this cold and uncaring world.
3 A sister on a seagoing ferry observed a young woman who was so seasick that she was unable to care for her small child. The sister offered to look after the child. When the woman asked how she could show her gratitude, the sister said: ‘Please listen to Jehovah’s Witnesses the next time they call.’ The woman did so, and now she and her husband are Witnesses. Fine works made the difference in how they responded to the Kingdom message.
4 Our Whole Life Is Involved: Our conduct in the neighborhood, while at work or in school, and during periods of recreation causes others to form an opinion of us and of our religion. Hence, we do well to ask ourselves: ‘How do observers view me and my family? Do the neighbors consider our house and yard to be clean and well kept? Do our workmates and schoolmates view us as punctual and diligent? Will others find our appearance modest and respectful?’ Our fine works can make the worship of Jehovah more appealing to others.
5 Peter warned that Christians would be subject to derision. (1 Pet. 4:4) We must be sure that our conduct is not the cause of negative talk. (1 Pet. 2:12) If our daily works glorify the God whom we worship, then we will be like lamps held high, beckoning others to the safe shelter that Jehovah provides.—Matt. 5:14-16.