Who Will Become Approved by Jehovah?The Watchtower—1988 | November 15
When Jesus was born, angels announced: “Glory in the heights above to God, and upon earth peace among men of goodwill [eu·do·kiʹas].” (Luke 2:14) In the literal Greek, the angels were singing of a coming blessing to “men of well thinking” or “men whom God approves.”a Professor Hans Bietenhard writes of this use of en an·throʹpois eu·do·kiʹas: “The phrase refers to the men of God’s good pleasure . . . We are not, therefore, dealing here with the good will of men . . . We are dealing with God’s sovereign and gracious will, which elects for itself a people for salvation.” Thus, as Jehovah’s Witnesses have long explained, Luke 2:14 indicates that through dedication and baptism, it is possible for imperfect humans to become men of goodwill, men approved by God!b
Who Will Become Approved by Jehovah?The Watchtower—1988 | November 15
a Compare “men-whom-he-approves,” New Testament, by George Swann; “men with whom he is pleased,” The Revised Standard Version.