FableInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 1
A false story, fiction, myth, an invention, falsehood; from the Greek myʹthos. Myʹthos is found at 1 Timothy 1:4; 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:4; Titus 1:14; 2 Peter 1:16.
Myʹthos is the opposite of a·leʹthei·a, “truth,” signifying the manifested, veritable essence of a matter.
FableInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 1
The apostle Peter, at 2 Peter 1:16, makes reference to false stories (which are not only fictitious but also artfully and cunningly devised in order possibly to turn a Christian aside) and contrasts these with the true, factual account of the transfiguration, of which he was an eyewitness. (Mr 9:2)