Is Your Eye “Simple”?The Watchtower—1986 | May 1
Through the glitter and glamour of the world, Satan promotes “the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life.” (1 John 2:16) This is clearly seen in the advertising schemes used by the commercial world. Is it not true that the most successful advertisements are those that capitalize on their visual impact? The thousands of colorful billboards and flashing signs, the glossy pictures in magazines and newspapers, the clever TV spots—and the billions of dollars spent to produce them—all testify to the fact that the whole idea of advertising is to stimulate the consumer’s “desire of the eyes.”
10. What is really being promoted by the commercial world?
10 While many of these advertisements may leave little to the imagination, what is more subtle is the fact that these ads are really promoting not just consumer products but also life-styles. Very often the products are displayed as being used by the most privileged, influential, happy, and beautiful people. The message is that if the consumer uses that product, his “means of life” will automatically fit into one of those categories. Advertisers know that once a person accepts a certain manner of life, it takes little to persuade him or her to accept the goods and commodities that go along with it. In this light, how wise it is for dedicated Christians to heed the counsel found at Hebrews 13:5! There we read: “Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things.”
Is Your Eye “Simple”?The Watchtower—1986 | May 1
15, 16. (a) What other “desire of the eyes” must we shun? (b) How would you apply the counsel at Proverbs 27:20 to our discussion?
15 However, is it only those who set their eye on becoming rich that face the danger of walking in darkness? No, for “the desire of the eyes” also includes many other things. Recall Jesus’ words at Matthew 5:28: “Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Surely, that warning can also be applied to allowing one’s eyes to dwell on material that is designed to excite or arouse illicit passions and desires.
16 Then there is the anxiety over food, drink, and clothing that Jesus spoke about. (Matthew 6:25-32) While these things are necessary, an inordinate desire always to have the latest, the richest, the most sought after, can enslave our mind and heart. (Romans 16:18; Philippians 3:19) Even in recreation, hobbies, sports, exercise, and so on, we must maintain proper balance and guard against being caught up in the fads and fancies of the world. In all these areas, it would be good for us to bear in mind the wise words found at Proverbs 27:20: “Sheol and the place of destruction themselves do not get satisfied; neither do the eyes of a man get satisfied.” Indeed, we need to exercise self-control so that in trying to satisfy our eyes we do not endanger ourselves spiritually.