Jehovah’s Plagues on ChristendomRevelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!
29. What fulfills the symbolism of “a great star burning as a lamp,” and why?
29 We have already met the symbolism of a star in Jesus’ messages to the seven congregations, in which the seven stars symbolize the elders in the congregations.b (Revelation 1:20) Anointed “stars,” along with all others of the anointed, inhabit heavenly places in a spiritual sense from the time that they are sealed with the holy spirit as a token of their heavenly inheritance. (Ephesians 2:6, 7)
Jehovah’s Plagues on ChristendomRevelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!
b While the seven stars in Jesus’ right hand picture the anointed overseers in the Christian congregation, the elders in most of the approximately 100,000 congregations in the world today are of the great crowd. (Revelation 1:16; 7:9) What is their position? Since they receive their appointment by holy spirit through the anointed faithful and discreet slave class, these can be said to be under Jesus’ right hand of control, for they are also his undershepherds. (Isaiah 61:5, 6; Acts 20:28) They support the “seven stars” in that they serve where qualified anointed brothers are not available.