Did the Elements Come About by Chance?Awake!—2000 | October 8
And what about the forces that hold the atomic particles together? “From its smallest particle to its largest galaxy, everything in the Universe follows rules that are described by the laws of physics,” explains The Encyclopedia of Stars & Atoms. Imagine what would happen if one of those rules were to change. For instance, what if an adjustment were made to the force that keeps electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom?
Finely Tuned Physical Forces
Consider the consequences if the electromagnetic force were weakened. “Electrons would no longer be bound to atoms,” observes Dr. David Block in his book Star Watch. Just what would that mean? “We would have a universe where no chemical reactions were possible!” he adds. How thankful we can be for the fixed laws that make chemical reactions possible! For example, two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of precious water.
The electromagnetic force is about 100 times weaker than the strong nuclear force that holds together the nucleus of atoms. What would happen if this ratio were changed? “If the relative strengths of the nuclear and electromagnetic forces were to be slightly different then carbon atoms could not exist,” explain scientists John Barrow and Frank Tipler. Without carbon, there would be no life. Carbon atoms represent 20 percent of the weight of all living organisms.
Also crucial is the strength of the electromagnetic force compared with the force of gravity. “The most minute change in the relative strengths of gravitational and electromagnetic forces,” explains New Scientist magazine, “would turn stars like the Sun into blue giants [far too hot for life] or red dwarfs [not hot enough to sustain life].”
Another force, the weak nuclear force, controls the speed of nuclear reactions in the sun. “It is just weak enough so that the hydrogen in the sun burns at a slow and steady rate,” explains physicist Freeman Dyson. Many other examples could be given to show how our life depends on the delicately balanced laws and conditions found in the universe. Science writer Professor Paul Davies compared these universal laws and conditions to a set of knobs and stated: “It seems as if the different knobs have to be fine-tuned to enormous precision if the universe is to be such that life will flourish.”
Long before Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity, the Bible referred to such fixed rules or laws. The man Job was asked: “Did you proclaim the rules that govern the heavens, or determine the laws of nature on earth?” (Job 38:33, The New English Bible) Other humbling questions were, “Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth?” and, “Who set its measurements, in case you know?”—Job 38:4, 5.
Did the Elements Come About by Chance?Awake!—2000 | October 8
[Diagram/Picture on page 7]
(For fully formatted text, see publication)
What accounts for the fine-tuning of the four physical forces?
Water molecule
Atom nucleus
Blue giant
Red dwarf