What is the origin of marriage?
Whom should a Christian choose as his or her marriage mate?
Why would a true Christian not approve of the marriage of a baptized son or daughter to someone who is not a dedicated, baptized servant of Jehovah?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ge 24:1-4, 7—Aged Abraham is determined to find a wife for his son Isaac from among those who serve Jehovah, not from among the Canaanites, who worship other gods
Ge 28:1-4—Isaac directs his son Jacob to find a wife from among fellow believers, not from among the Canaanites
How does Jehovah feel about those who marry an unbeliever?
Relevant Bible account(s):
1Ki 11:1-6, 9-11—Jehovah becomes furious at King Solomon for ignoring divine warnings, for marrying foreign wives, and for allowing them to corrupt his heart
Ne 13:23-27—Reflecting Jehovah’s righteous anger, Governor Nehemiah disciplines and corrects the wayward people who married unbelievers from various lands
Why is it wise to select a mate who serves Jehovah faithfully and has a good reputation?
See also Eph 5:28-31, 33
Relevant Bible account(s):
1Sa 25:2, 3, 14-17—Nabal is a wealthy man, but he is harsh and abusive, making him a poor husband for Abigail
Pr 21:9—Choosing an unsuitable mate can make us unhappy and rob us of our peace
Ro 7:2—The apostle Paul explains that when a woman marries, she comes under a measure of authority exercised by her imperfect human husband; therefore, a wise woman is careful about whom she accepts as a mate
Preparing for marriage
Why should a man be prepared to support a household before considering marriage?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Pr 24:27—Before a man marries and possibly fathers children, he should work hard so that he is ready to support a family
Why should two people who are courting focus on seeking wise counsel and getting to know each other well rather than on outward appearance?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ru 2:4-7, 10-12—Boaz learns about Ruth by observing her work habits and by considering reliable reports about her reputation, her dealings with her family, and her spirituality
Ru 2:8, 9, 20—Ruth learns about Boaz by observing his kindness, his generosity, and his love for Jehovah
Why does Jehovah require that a couple keep morally clean during their courtship and engagement?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Pr 5:18, 19—Some physical expressions of affection are reserved for married couples
Ca 1:2; 2:6—During courtship, the shepherd boy and the Shulammite maiden exchange clean expressions of endearment, not unclean expressions of sexual passion
Ca 4:12; 8:8-10—The Shulammite girl remains chaste and shows self-control; she is like a locked garden
Why should a couple be married according to legal requirements?
The husband’s role
What weighty responsibilities are assigned to the husband?
Whose example must the Christian husband imitate when exercising headship?
How important is it for a husband to act with insight and to treat his wife lovingly?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ge 21:8-12—Jehovah directs Abraham to listen to his wife, Sarah, even though her suggestion displeases him
Pr 31:10, 11, 16, 28—The wise husband of a capable wife, as described in these verses, is neither controlling nor faultfinding; rather, he trusts his wife and praises her
Eph 5:33—The apostle Paul’s inspired words suggest that a wife has a special need to sense her husband’s love for her
The wife’s role
What vital assignment from Jehovah does a Christian wife fulfill?
Is the wife’s role in any way demeaning?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Pr 1:8; 1Co 7:4—In marriage and in family life, the wife and mother exerts a measure of God-given authority
1Co 11:3—The apostle Paul explains that in Jehovah’s arrangement, all are under some form of headship except God Almighty himself
Heb 13:7, 17—In the congregation, both men and women are to be in subjection and obedient to those assigned to take the lead
How can the Christian wife of an unbeliever make Jehovah happy?
Why should a Christian wife maintain a respectful attitude toward her husband?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ge 18:12; 1Pe 3:5, 6—Sarah accords her husband deep respect, considering him to be her “lord,” or spiritual head, even in her thoughts
What kind of wife is praised in the Bible?
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ge 24:62-67—Rebekah helps her husband, Isaac, to find comfort after the loss of his mother
1Sa 25:14-24, 32-38—Abigail protects her foolish husband and saves her household by humbly appealing to David
Es 4:6-17; 5:1-8; 7:1-6; 8:3-6—Queen Esther risks her life twice by approaching unsummoned her husband, the king, to plead for the protection of God’s people
Resolving differences
What principles can help a couple to resolve problems that arise in a marriage?
What principles can help a couple to have a balanced view of money?
Lu 12:15; Php 4:5; 1Ti 6:9, 10; Heb 13:5
See also “Money”