Jehovah Watches Over His People
“The eye of Jehovah watches over those fearing him.”—PS. 33:18.
SONG 4 “Jehovah Is My Shepherd”
1. Why did Jesus ask Jehovah to watch over his followers?
ON THE night before he died, Jesus made a special request to his heavenly Father. He asked Jehovah to watch over his followers. (John 17:15, 20) Of course, Jehovah has always watched over—cared for and protected—his people. However, Jesus knew that his followers would face unprecedented opposition from Satan. Jesus also realized that they would need Jehovah’s help to resist the Devil’s wicked attacks.
2. According to Psalm 33:18-20, why do we not need to fear adversity?
2 Satan’s system puts an immense amount of pressure on true Christians today. We face adversities that can discourage us and even test our loyalty to Jehovah. But as we will see in this article, we have nothing to fear. Jehovah is watching over us—he sees the challenges we are facing, and he is ever ready to help us deal with them. Let us examine two Bible examples that show how Jehovah “watches over those fearing him.”—Read Psalm 33:18-20.
3. When might we feel alone?
3 Although we are part of a large family of worshippers, we may occasionally feel alone. For example, young ones may feel alone when explaining their beliefs in front of their classmates at school or when moving to a new congregation. Some of us may feel sad or may struggle with negative emotions, thinking that we have to deal with these feelings on our own. We may hesitate to talk to others about how we feel because we worry that they might not understand. And, at times, we may even wonder if anyone really cares. Feeling alone—for whatever reason—can make us feel helpless and anxious. Jehovah never wants us to feel that way. Why can we say that?
4. Why did the prophet Elijah say: “I am the only one left”?
4 Consider the example of the faithful man Elijah. Jezebel had vowed to kill him, so he was running for his life for over 40 days. (1 Ki. 19:1-9) Finally, alone in a cave, he cried out to Jehovah: “I am the only [prophet] left.” (1 Ki. 19:10) There were other prophets in the land; Obadiah had managed to save 100 prophets from Jezebel’s murderous hands. (1 Ki. 18:7, 13) Why, then, did Elijah feel so alone? Did he think that the prophets whom Obadiah saved were now all dead? Did he perhaps feel alone because others did not join him in serving Jehovah after the Baal test at Mount Carmel? Might he have felt that no one knew how much danger he was in, or might he have wondered if anyone cared? The account does not fully explain Elijah’s feelings. But what we do know for sure is that Jehovah understood why Elijah felt alone and that He knew exactly how to help him.
5. How did Jehovah assure Elijah that he was not alone?
5 Jehovah helped Elijah in a number of ways. He encouraged Elijah to talk. Twice He asked Elijah: “What are you doing here?” (1 Ki. 19:9, 13) Each time, Jehovah listened as Elijah poured out his heart. Jehovah responded to Elijah by revealing His presence and mighty power. He also assured Elijah that he had many fellow worshippers. (1 Ki. 19:11, 12, 18) No doubt, Elijah felt relieved after pouring out his heart to Jehovah and hearing His response. Jehovah gave Elijah several important assignments. He asked him to anoint Hazael as king over Syria, Jehu as king over Israel, and Elisha as prophet. (1 Ki. 19:15, 16) By giving Elijah these assignments, Jehovah helped him to focus on positive things. God also provided him with a close companion, Elisha. How can you receive Jehovah’s help when you feel alone?
6. What can you pray about when you feel alone? (Psalm 62:8)
6 Jehovah invites you to pray to him. He sees what you are dealing with, and he assures you that he will listen to your prayers at any time. (1 Thess. 5:17) He finds pleasure in listening to his worshippers. (Prov. 15:8) What can you pray about when you feel alone? Pour your heart out to Jehovah, as Elijah did. (Read Psalm 62:8.) Tell him about your concerns and how they make you feel. Ask Jehovah to help you to cope with your feelings. For example, if you feel alone and intimidated when giving a witness at school, ask Jehovah to give you the courage you need to express yourself. You can even ask him for the wisdom to explain your beliefs tactfully. (Luke 21:14, 15) If you are struggling with negative emotions, ask Jehovah to help you to talk with a mature Christian about it. You can ask Jehovah to help the one you are confiding in to listen to you with understanding. Pour your heart out to Jehovah, see how he responds to your prayers, and accept the help of others; you will feel less alone.
7. What do you learn from Mauricio’s example?
7 Jehovah has given all of us meaningful work to do. You can be confident that he notices and appreciates all that you do to carry out your assignments in the congregation and in the ministry. (Ps. 110:3) How can keeping busy in this work help you when you feel alone? Consider the example of a young brother named Mauricio.b Shortly after Mauricio got baptized, one of his closest friends gradually began leaving the truth. “Seeing him drift away affected my self-confidence,” says Mauricio. “I wondered if I could fulfill my dedication and remain a part of Jehovah’s family. I felt alone and thought that no one would understand my feelings.” What helped Mauricio? “I expanded my ministry,” he says. “That helped me to keep my mind off myself and not dwell on my negative feelings. I felt happy and less alone while working along with others in the ministry.” Indeed, even when we cannot preach with fellow believers in person, we are strengthened by sharing with them in such activities as letter writing and telephone witnessing. What else helped Mauricio? He adds: “I also kept busy in the congregation. I put my heart into preparing and presenting student assignments. These assignments made me feel appreciated by Jehovah and by others.”
8. How can severe trials affect us?
8 We expect to face trials during these last days. (2 Tim. 3:1) Still, the timing and the nature of our trials can catch us off guard. We may face a sudden economic problem, a devastating medical diagnosis, or the loss of a loved one in death. At such times, we may feel distressed and overwhelmed, especially if it seems that we are facing one trial after another or even several trials all at once. Remember, though, that Jehovah is watching over us, and with his help we can face any trial with confidence.
9. Describe some of the trials that Job faced.
9 Consider how Jehovah helped the faithful man Job. He experienced several distressing trials in a short period of time. In one day, Job learned about violent and shocking events that cost him his livestock, killed his servants and, even worse, took the lives of his beloved children. (Job 1:13-19) Soon after, while still dealing with his immense grief, Job was afflicted with a painful and disfiguring disease. (Job 2:7) His situation was so bad that Job exclaimed: “I loathe my life; I do not want to go on living.”—Job 7:16.
10. How did Jehovah provide what Job needed to endure his trials? (See cover picture.)
10 Jehovah was watching over Job. Because Jehovah loved Job, He gave him what he needed to endure his trials successfully. Jehovah spoke to Job, reminding him of His infinite wisdom and loving care for His creatures. He spoke of many awe-inspiring animals. (Job 38:1, 2; 39:9, 13, 19, 27; 40:15; 41:1, 2) Jehovah also used a faithful young man named Elihu to strengthen and comfort Job. Elihu assured him that Jehovah always rewards His worshippers for their endurance. But Jehovah also moved Elihu to give Job some loving counsel. Elihu helped Job to focus on the big picture by reminding him of his position in relation to Jehovah, the Creator of the universe. (Job 37:14) Jehovah also gave Job an assignment; he was to pray for his three companions who had sinned. (Job 42:8-10) How does Jehovah support us today when we experience difficult trials?
11. What comfort does the Bible provide during our trials?
11 Jehovah does not speak to us directly, as he did with Job, but He does speak to us through His Word, the Bible. (Rom. 15:4) He comforts us by giving us a hope for the future. Consider just a few thoughts from the Bible that can comfort us when we experience trials. In the Scriptures, Jehovah assures us that nothing—and that includes severe trials—“will be able to separate us from [his] love.” (Rom. 8:38, 39) He also assures us that he “is near to all those calling on him” in prayer. (Ps. 145:18) Jehovah tells us that if we rely on him, we can endure any trial and even find a measure of happiness when we suffer. (1 Cor. 10:13; Jas. 1:2, 12) God’s Word also reminds us that our trials are temporary and brief when compared to the everlasting reward he offers us. (2 Cor. 4:16-18) Jehovah gives us the sure hope that he will eliminate the root cause of all our trials—Satan the Devil and those who imitate his wicked ways. (Ps. 37:10) Have you memorized some comforting Bible passages to help you endure future trials?
12. What does Jehovah expect us to do if we are to benefit fully from his Word?
12 Jehovah expects us to set aside time to study the Bible regularly and to think deeply about what we read. When we apply what we learn, our faith grows stronger and we draw closer to our heavenly Father. As a result, we are strengthened to endure trials. Jehovah also gives his holy spirit to those who rely on his Word. And that spirit can give us “the power beyond what is normal” to endure any trial.—2 Cor. 4:7-10.
13. How does the spiritual food that “the faithful and discreet slave” provides help us to endure trials?
13 With Jehovah’s backing, “the faithful and discreet slave” produces an abundance of articles, videos, and music that can help us to build strong faith and stay alert spiritually. (Matt. 24:45) We need to take full advantage of such timely provisions. A sister from the United States recently expressed her appreciation for all this spiritual food. She said: “During my 40 years of service to Jehovah, my integrity has been tested over and over again.” She faced severe trials—her grandfather was killed by a drunk driver, her parents succumbed to a deadly illness, and she battled cancer on two occasions. What helped her to endure? She explained: “Jehovah has always cared for me. The spiritual food that he has provided through the faithful and discreet slave has helped me to endure. Because of it, I can feel as did Job, who said: ‘Until I die, I will not renounce my integrity!’”—Job 27:5.
14. How does Jehovah use our fellow worshippers to support us during our trials? (1 Thessalonians 4:9)
14 Jehovah has trained his people to love and to comfort one another during distressing times. (2 Cor. 1:3, 4; read 1 Thessalonians 4:9.) In imitation of Elihu, our brothers and sisters are eager to help us remain faithful when we experience difficulties. (Acts 14:22) For example, consider how Diane’s congregation encouraged her and helped her to stay spiritually strong after her husband suffered a serious health problem. She said: “It was hard. But we felt Jehovah’s strong and loving arms during those difficult months. Our congregation stepped in to support us. We received the visits, the phone calls, and the hugs that we needed to keep going. Since I don’t drive, the brothers and sisters made sure that I was able to get to the meetings and to get out in field service when I could.” What a blessing it is to be part of such a loving spiritual family!
15. Why are we convinced that we can cope with adversity?
15 All of us will face some kind of trial. However, as we have learned, we will never have to face a trial on our own. Like a loving father, Jehovah is always watching over us. He is by our side, ready to hear our pleas for help and eager to support us. (Isa. 43:2) We are convinced that we can cope with adversity because he has generously provided us with everything we need to endure. He has given us the gift of prayer, the Bible, an abundance of spiritual food, and a loving brotherhood to help us in times of need.
16. How can we remain under Jehovah’s loving care?
16 How grateful we are to have a heavenly Father who watches over us! “Our hearts rejoice in him.” (Ps. 33:21) We can show Jehovah that we appreciate his loving care by taking advantage of all his provisions to help us. We also need to do our part to remain under God’s care. In other words, if we continue to do our best to obey Jehovah and do what is right in his eyes, he will watch over us forever!—1 Pet. 3:12.
SONG 30 My Father, My God and Friend
a We need Jehovah’s help to overcome the adversities we face today. This article assures us that Jehovah watches over his people. He takes note of the challenges that we face individually, and he provides what we need to overcome them.
b Some names have been changed.