From Our Readers
Threatened Planet I am writing about the series “Our Threatened Planet—Can It Be Saved?” (January 8, 1996) It is good to be able to read something encouraging. The third article in the series gives us hope for Paradise, where we won’t have to worry about the ecosystem or holes in the ozone layer! I hope to live in that Paradise with my family and friends.
A. C., United States
We liked the informative box on pages 8 and 9 that dealt with such problems as deforestation, water scarcity, and endangered species. The articles made us understand the serious situation in which our planet now finds itself. We feel secure knowing that the only solution to this grave problem lies with our Creator.
O. P. and F. J. O., Spain
Jessica’s Report I have just finished reading “Jessica’s Report” in the January 8, 1996, issue. It was such an encouragement to me! When I see a shining youth serving Jehovah so joyfully and faithfully, it makes me proud. Jessica’s story reminds me of the need to provide a witness at every opportunity.
A. H., United States
Found Purpose in Life The article “I Was Aimless but Found a Purpose in Life” (January 8, 1996) really touched my heart. As I read it, I saw myself. I too was aimlessly wandering about with a grim outlook on the future. But I was invited to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses and started a study of the Bible. Now I am happily sharing in the full-time preaching work, helping others to see the wonderful hope that Jehovah has shown to me.
C. R., United States
Infertility Treatment The “Watching the World” item “New Hope for Infertile Couples?” caught my attention. (September 22, 1995) I showed it to a biologist, and she said that she has never heard of the procedure described, in which the microinjection of a single male sperm is made upon an ovum “within the woman.”
E. K., Germany
Our item was based on a report by the French news agency France-Presse covering a lecture given by Danish physician Anders Nyboe Andersen. Unfortunately, some matters were not correctly reported. Dr. Andersen told “Awake!” that the microinsemination is actually done in vitro, that is, outside the woman’s body. The fertilized ovum is then inserted into the woman. We did correctly state that the procedure can utilize a “husband’s sperm rather than that of an anonymous donor—thus avoiding sensitive moral and religious questions.” Such being the case, a Christian couple would have to make a personal decision regarding this procedure. (See “The Watchtower” of June 1, 1981, page 31.)—ED.
Wayward Friend I am writing about the article “Young People Ask . . . What Should I Do if a Friend Gets Into Trouble?” (January 22, 1996) One of my best friends was disfellowshipped a year ago. I was devastated. I felt as if I hadn’t helped her enough, wasn’t there for her enough, and wasn’t a very good friend. When I read that it was not my fault that she left the truth, I felt as if a big weight had come off my shoulders!
L. T., United States
In my case the person close to me who began to “follow a questionable life-style” was not only my friend but my irreplaceable and gentle mother. I eventually went to the congregation elders regarding her situation, and she was disfellowshipped. I reproached myself for telling the elders. Now I want to fight my mistaken feelings of guilt by applying the suggestions in the article.
I. Y., Japan