Ancient Coins Testify to Prophetic TruthThe Watchtower—1988 | January 1
Well, the Jews revolted in 66 C.E. Cestius Gallus led powerful Roman forces against them and even surrounded Jerusalem, as Jesus had foretold. Then, for no apparent reason, the Romans hurriedly withdrew. The rebels rejoiced in a victory that seemed to spell freedom at last. They even struck coins, such as the one seen here. (Numbers 1, 2)
Ancient Coins Testify to Prophetic TruthThe Watchtower—1988 | January 1
[Box/Pictures on page 31]
1. Obverse: Bronze prutah (or perutah) struck after the First Revolt (66-70 C.E.), showing an amphora (a two-handled vessel). The Hebrew lettering says “Year two,” meaning 67 C.E., the second year of the Jews’ autonomy
2. Reverse: A vine leaf surrounded by the words “Freedom of Zion” or “Deliverance of Zion”