His name
The name Jehovah is understood to mean “He Causes to Become”
What does Jehovah become, or what roles does he assume, in order to care for his servants?
Why is the sanctification of God’s name of utmost importance?
Why is Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign, worthy of our obedience?
Some of Jehovah’s titles
Almighty—Ge 17:1; Re 19:6
Father—Mt 6:9; Joh 5:21
Grand Instructor—Isa 30:20
Jehovah of armies—1Sa 1:11
King of eternity—1Ti 1:17; Re 15:3
Majesty—Heb 1:3; 8:1
Most High—Ge 14:18-22; Ps 7:17
The Rock—De 32:4; Isa 26:4
Sovereign Lord—Isa 25:8; Am 3:7
Some of Jehovah’s outstanding qualities
How does Jehovah emphasize his holiness, and how should that affect his servants?
Ex 28:36; Le 19:2; 2Co 7:1; 1Pe 1:13-16
Relevant Bible account(s):
Isa 6:1-8—The prophet Isaiah is at first overwhelmed by a vision that emphasizes Jehovah’s holiness, but a seraph reminds him that even sinful humans can be clean in God’s eyes
Ro 6:12-23; 12:1, 2—The apostle Paul explains how we can fight against our sinful tendencies and pursue “the way of holiness”
How great is Jehovah’s power, and what are some ways in which he uses it?
Ex 15:3-6; 2Ch 16:9; Isa 40:22, 25, 26, 28-31
Relevant Bible account(s):
De 8:12-18—The prophet Moses reminds the people that they owe all the good things they have to Jehovah’s generous use of His power in their behalf
1Ki 19:9-14—Jehovah uses awesome demonstrations of his power to encourage his depressed prophet Elijah
Why is Jehovah’s justice the best justice?
De 32:4; Job 34:10; 37:23; Ps 37:28; Isa 33:22
Relevant Bible account(s):
De 24:16-22—As revealed in the Mosaic Law, Jehovah’s sense of justice is in perfect harmony with his mercy and love
2Ch 19:4-7—King Jehoshaphat reminds the judges he appoints that they represent Jehovah’s justice, not that of any man
What reveals that Jehovah is supremely wise?
Ps 104:24; Pr 2:1-8; Jer 10:12; Ro 11:33; 16:27
See also Ps 139:14; Jer 17:10
Relevant Bible account(s):
1Ki 4:29-34—Jehovah blesses King Solomon with more wisdom than all other men of his time possess
Lu 11:31; Joh 7:14-18—Jesus is greater in wisdom than Solomon; yet, Jesus humbly acknowledges the Source of his wisdom
How does Jehovah show that love is his dominant quality?
Joh 3:16; Ro 8:32; 1Jo 4:8-10, 19
Relevant Bible account(s):
Mt 10:29-31—Jesus uses the sparrow to illustrate how much Jehovah loves and values each of His human servants
Mr 1:9-11—Jehovah speaks to his Son from heaven, openly giving him what every child needs from a parent—acknowledgment, love, and approval
For what other reasons are we drawn to Jehovah? The Bible shows that among his many appealing qualities, Jehovah is also . . .
All-seeing—2Ch 16:9; Pr 15:3
Changeless; reliable—Mal 3:6; Jas 1:17
Compassionate—Isa 49:15; 63:9; Zec 2:8
Eternal; without beginning or end—Ps 90:2; 93:2
Generous—Ps 104:13-15; 145:16
Glorious—Re 4:1-6
Happy—1Ti 1:11
Humble—Ps 18:35
Kind—Lu 6:35; Ro 2:4
Loyal—Re 15:4
Majestic—Ps 8:1; 148:13
Merciful—Ex 34:6
Patient—Isa 30:18; 2Pe 3:9
Peaceful—Php 4:9
Righteous—Ps 7:9
What will happen when we get to know Jehovah God better?
How to serve Jehovah
What shows that Jehovah does not require more of his servants than is reasonable?
Relevant Bible account(s):
De 30:11-14—The Law given through the prophet Moses is not too hard for the Israelites to obey
Mt 11:28-30—Jesus, who perfectly reflects his Father, assures his followers that he is a refreshing Master
Why is it fitting that we praise Jehovah?
See also Jer 20:9; Lu 6:45; Ac 4:19, 20
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ps 104:1, 2, 10-20, 33, 34—The psalmist finds in creation ample reason to sing praises to Jehovah
Ps 148:1-14—Physical creation and all the angels praise Jehovah, and so should we
How can our conduct give a witness about Jehovah?
Why should we draw closer to Jehovah?
How does humility help us draw close to God?
What role do Bible reading and meditation play in our drawing close to Jehovah?
Why is it vital that we act on what we learn about Jehovah?
Why should we never try to hide anything from Jehovah?
Job 34:22; Pr 28:13; Jer 23:24; 1Ti 5:24, 25
Relevant Bible account(s):
2Ki 5:20-27—Gehazi tries to hide his sin, but Jehovah enables His prophet Elisha to see the truth
Ac 5:1-11—Ananias and Sapphira are exposed and punished for lying to the holy spirit