Learn From the Parting Words of Faithful MenThe Watchtower (Study)—2024 | November
11. According to 1 Kings 2:2, 3, what assurance did David give Solomon, and how did these words prove true? (See also picture.)
11 What did David say? (Read 1 Kings 2:2, 3.) David told his son that if he obeyed Jehovah, he would succeed in life. And for many years, Solomon enjoyed considerable success. (1 Chron. 29:23-25) He built the magnificent temple and wrote and contributed to several books of the Bible. He became famous for his wisdom and wealth. (1 Ki. 4:34) But as David explained, Solomon would be successful only as long as he obeyed Jehovah God. Sadly, later in life Solomon turned to other gods. Jehovah withdrew his favor, and Solomon lost the wisdom to govern in righteousness and justice.—1 Ki. 11:9, 10; 12:4.
12. What can we learn from the words of David?
12 What is the lesson for us? Obedience leads to success. (Ps. 1:1-3) Of course, Jehovah has not promised to give us the riches and the glory of Solomon. But if we obey our God, he will give us wisdom that will enable us to make sound decisions. (Prov. 2:6, 7; Jas. 1:5) His principles can guide us in such practical matters as employment, education, entertainment, and money. Applying godly wisdom will protect us from lasting harm. (Prov. 2:10, 11) We will cultivate strong friendships. And we will have the guidance we need for a happy family life.
Learn From the Parting Words of Faithful MenThe Watchtower (Study)—2024 | November
7. What can we learn from the words of Moses? (See also picture.)
7 What is the lesson for us? Obedience leads to life. Like the Israelites who were on the threshold of the Promised Land, we are on the verge of entering God’s promised new world, where we will see the earth transformed into a paradise. (Isa. 35:1; Luke 23:43) The Devil and his demons will be gone. (Rev. 20:2, 3) No longer will false religion lead people away from Jehovah. (Rev. 17:16) No longer will human governments oppress those under their care. (Rev. 19:19, 20) Paradise will have no place for rebels. (Ps. 37:10, 11) People everywhere will obey Jehovah’s righteous laws, which promote unity and peace. Thus, they will love and trust one another. (Isa. 11:9) What a wonderful prospect! What is more, if we obey Jehovah, we can continue to live on a paradise earth not just for hundreds of years but for all eternity.—Ps. 37:29; John 3:16.