Do You Remember?
Can you answer these questions based on The Watchtower of 2019?
What is the meaning of God’s promise: “No weapon formed against you will have any success”? (Isa. 54:17)
We can trust that God will protect us from such destructive forces as “the blast of the tyrants.” (Isa. 25:4, 5) Our enemies will not be able to cause us any lasting harm.—w19.01, pp. 6-7.
How did God’s dealings with the Canaanites and the wayward Israelites reflect his justice?
God brought judgment on those sharing in defiling sexual acts or in victimizing women and children. He blessed people who were obedient to him and who treated others justly.—w19.02, pp. 22-23.
What should we do if we are present when an unbeliever prays?
We can remain silent and respectful but not say “amen” or hold hands with others present. We can silently say our own prayer.—w19.03, p. 31.
How serious is child abuse?
Child abuse is a sin against the victim, the congregation, secular authorities, and God. Where secular law calls for reporting allegations of abuse, elders comply.—w19.05, pp. 9-10.
How can you change or improve your dominant mental attitude?
Key steps are: Talk to Jehovah in prayer. Meditate with the goal of analyzing yourself. Choose your associations wisely.—w19.06, p. 11.
What can we do now to prepare for persecution?
We need to strengthen our bond with Jehovah. Trust that he loves us and will never abandon us. Read the Bible daily, and pray regularly. Be convinced that Kingdom blessings will come true. Memorize favorite scriptures and songs of praise.—w19.07, pp. 2-4.
What can we do to help our relatives be saved?
It is important that we show empathy, let our fine conduct give a good witness, and be patient and tactful.—w19.08, pp. 15-17.
How are we refreshed, as Jesus promised at Matthew 11:28?
We have loving Christian overseers, the best companions, and the best work.—w19.09, p. 23.
How can God give us the desire and the power to act? (Phil. 2:13)
As we read God’s Word and meditate on it, God can energize us, giving us the desire to do his will and the power to act. His spirit can enhance our abilities.—w19.10, p. 21.
What wise steps should we take before making a serious decision?
Five steps are: Do thorough research. Pray for wisdom. Analyze your motives. Be specific. Be realistic.—w19.11, pp. 27-29.
Does the idea of an immortal soul trace back to what Satan told Eve?
Apparently not. Satan told Eve that she would not die, not that she would only appear to die. Any false religious ideas would not have survived the Flood. Belief in an immortal soul likely came about before God scattered the people who were building the tower of Babel.—w19.12, p. 15.