From Our Readers
Reincarnation Thank you for the excellent series of articles “Have You Lived Before? Will You Live Again?” (June 8, 1994) These articles convey in a simple and rational way the truth about the condition of the dead. I believe that anyone who is searching for truth in connection with this subject cannot do other than accept what you have written.
F. P., Italy
Former Boxer Thank you very much for the article “I Learned to Hate What I Had Loved.” (June 8, 1994) Obdulio Nuñez’ story has helped us to understand some of my husband’s medical problems. As a former boxer, he too suffers from depression. Truly, it is Jehovah God who has helped my husband turn his life around!
S. S., United States
Pain I am a professional masseur and want to thank you for the series “Is Life Without Pain Possible?” (June 22, 1994) I was greatly impressed by the insight, balance, and wisdom evident in the research and presentation of this information. The article will be a precious aid to specialists, patients, and others. Using massage techniques, I continue to fight pain, awaiting the day under God’s Kingdom when chronic pain will no longer exist.
D. T., Denmark
These articles brought much comfort to me. I shared them with a number of others who, like me, cope with pain daily.
M. G., United States
I am lying here writing you from my bed, where I have periodically been confined for the past two and a half years because of two slipped disks. Thank you for the fantastic article “Do You Suffer With Back Pain?” (June 8, 1994) I cried when reading it, for it was as if you were talking to me. I could hardly believe that anyone could understand this problem so clearly.
B. H., England
Just ten days ago, I had to undergo back surgery, and I thank you for the accurate information. The article helped me to understand the cause of my pain. The suggestions given are very useful, and I hope many will apply them and avoid surgery.
K. G., Hungary
Musical Anachronism? I liked the article “From Hitchhiking Hippie to South American Missionary” very much. (March 22, 1994) But one point puzzled me. Richard Fleet mentions that he went to Liverpool to see the Beatles in September 1973. As far as I know, the Beatles performed in public for the last time in 1969 and split up in 1970.
C. S., Germany
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Richard Fleet meant to say that he went to Liverpool in order to see a club where the Beatles had once performed.—ED.
Suicide I thank you with all my heart for the article “Young People Ask . . . Is Suicide the Answer?” (April 8, 1994) How many times I have longed to take that road. When I was a toddler, I was sexually abused by someone I trusted. . . . In the past, I have written so many notes saying, ‘I want to die’ that I have lost count. I have since become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I now serve as a full-time evangelizer, but this urge still comes over me from time to time. I had this feeling just the day before I received the article. It made me cry. But Jehovah has allowed me to stay alive, and he seems to be telling me gently, ‘Keep on living.’ Truly, I thank you very much.
Y. K., Japan