From Our Readers
The Drinking Trap—Are You at Risk? (October 8, 2005) I have read many letters from readers who said: “That article came at just the right time.” I never expected to feel that way myself, but that is exactly what I told myself as I read this cover series. For some time I was uneasy about my daily consumption of alcohol, even though it had not led to drunkenness. Then this series came. After reading about the dangers, I felt it was time to throw off the fetters of this problem.
K. W., Germany
This series mentioned the experience of Hilario, who drank for 30 years and who had “many relapses.” He stated that those in the congregation “were always by my side to give me encouragement.” But should he not have been reproved or even expelled from the Christian congregation?
R. L., United States
“Awake!” responds: The brief description of Hilario’s experience does not state at what point during his 30-year struggle with alcohol he actually became a baptized Christian. Nor does it state if he was ever reproved by congregation elders. The article does state that Hilario was given “timely Bible counsel,” which occasionally is done in a judicial setting. Dealing with alcoholism sometimes involves relapses, as it did in Hilario’s case. As to how such matters are handled when a baptized Christian is involved, please see “The Watchtower,” May 1, 1983, pages 8-11.
Young People Ask . . . Why Am I Drawn to the Wrong People? (July 22, 2005) This article helped me to see that I cannot be divided in my goals. It put the final touch on my determination to separate myself from bad associations. I have now formed close bonds with many in the congregation, young and old, which has made me feel loved by those who love Jehovah and who encourage me to continue on the path to life.
M. D., Mexico
Determined to Achieve My Goal (June 22, 2005) As I was reading Martha’s experience, tears rolled down my cheeks. I too have suffered from epilepsy. I have been a full-time evangelizer for the past ten years, and at times it is difficult—especially when I have a seizure. My determination not to give up has been strengthened by Martha’s story. It greatly comforted me.
J. S., Poland
I battle the same problem as Martha. After reading her story, I have also begun to take precautions with food. For more than ten years, I allowed epilepsy to keep me from serving Jehovah more fully. But almost three years ago, I decided to become a full-time evangelizer, and I have no regrets. May Jehovah bless you for publishing such encouraging experiences!
B.C.C., Brazil
What encouraged me the most about this article was the fact that Martha never gave up. I was comforted in that even though she had to interrupt her service, she had a balanced attitude and confidence that Jehovah is pleased with our whole-souled service.
S. H., Japan
I have been confronted with a situation similar to Martha’s, and I have to recognize my limits. Like Martha, I have been able to serve as a full-time evangelizer. So her story was very encouraging to me.
F. G., Switzerland