From Our Readers
Accident or Design? I just finished reading the series “How Did We Get Here? By Accident or by Design?” (May 8, 1997) It interested me for a number of reasons: (1) The simplicity with which you presented such a profound, complex subject as evolution, as well as the conviction with which you defended the Bible’s viewpoint of our origin. (2) The illustrations that you used to attain your praiseworthy objective. I am a researcher and student in a large communications school. Such articles prove that you ALWAYS do meticulous research before you publish. That is no doubt the reason why my companion journalists, editors, and researchers all regularly read and enjoy Awake!
D. S. T., Cameroon
Why So Sick? I experience all the emotions expressed by Jason in the article “Young People Ask . . . Why Do I Have to Be So Sick?” (April 22, 1997) Each time I read the article, I feel like I am chatting with someone who understands, appreciates, and cares for my condition. Thank you so much for lessening my burden. I know that Jehovah cares and that in his due time, he will do away with all diseases.
O. A., Ghana
I was diagnosed with seizures two weeks before this article came out. I just turned 18, and being sick has drastically reduced all the freedoms I just recently acquired. There are so many precautions to take and pills to remember. It has also taken a major toll on my parents, who have lost two other children in death. The article truly touched me in a way that moved me to tears. It addressed the very thoughts I have been suppressing, and I felt somewhat normal again. I could see that there are others with similar problems and concerns. Through his organization, Jehovah put in print the information I need to have to stay strong.
D. S., United States
When I read the article, I realized that my sickness causes more suffering to my parents than to anyone else. They tell me that my illness is inherited, and this depresses them. When I see them like that, I feel so very sorry for them.
Y. H., Japan
During childhood I enjoyed good health. However, in my adolescence I have had one illness after another. I took up the full-time ministry, and for the first two months, I could not reach my goals because of ill health. I was greatly depressed, thinking (wrongly) that I had done something bad against Jehovah and was being punished with sickness. The article has helped me to get properly adjusted to my situation and to take heart.
C. K., Ghana
My nine-year-old daughter has a learning disability and cerebral palsy. She is very bright and is aware that her disabilities limit normal activity. In spite of her usually cheerful, happy disposition, from time to time, this slightly depresses her. This article was very encouraging to her, along with the nightly discussions she has with her dad about the future Paradise where she will be like other children.
Y. P., United States
For about ten years, I have been struggling with an ‘invisible illness,’ one that affects my digestive system. Because of it, I’ve had to leave the full-time ministry. Reading this article, I feel, for the first time, as though someone understands my struggle. It’s a relief to know that I’m not alone. It’s as if I’ve had a huge burden lifted off me. I could never thank you enough. These encouraging and timely articles keep us going in this old system.
L. C., Canada