From Our Readers
Choosing a Marriage Partner Thank you for the fatherly care you showed us young ones in the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: How to Choose a Marriage Partner.” (October 8, 1999) Inexperience makes many young ones rush into marriage, mistaking infatuation for true love. I would rather be alone than be with someone with whom I am not compatible.
S.R.M., Brazil
I am 40 years old and have never married. I pray to Jehovah each day concerning finding a mate, and I try hard to cultivate the qualities needed to make a successful marriage. It was so encouraging to read the suggestions on looking for a spiritually strong person, someone who shares the same goals and is endeavoring to cultivate the fruitage of God’s spirit. Thank you so much for strengthening my resolve to continue waiting on Jehovah.
E. F., United States
Swifts For many years, from my balcony I have observed European swifts building nests. They arrive in May and disappear suddenly in August. Thanks to the article “Swift in Name—Swift in Flight” (October 8, 1999), I now know much more about these fascinating creatures.
A. D., Germany
Life Story I have been a full-time evangelizer for over a decade now and have often felt a strong urge to thank you for your well-written articles. Most meaningful to me have been the wonderful experiences of missionaries. I’ve always wanted to be one myself. Experiences like those of Willem and Gré van Seijl (“Reality Has Exceeded My Expectations,” October 8, 1999) help me to maintain my desire to serve in a foreign land.
P. K., United States
At the time I read the article, I was feeling very down. Sometimes I feel that I will never reach my spiritual goals. I have also had a difficult time maintaining a positive attitude toward my work as a full-time evangelizer. Willem and Gré had a fine, optimistic outlook in the face of obstacles, and Jehovah blessed their efforts. That reinforced my confidence that I too can reach my goals if I keep my faith strong.
K. C., United States
Outgoing Thank you so much for the article “Young People Ask . . . Why Can’t I Be More Outgoing?” (October 22, 1999) I am 17 years old, and the article almost made me think it was written just for me. It expressed exactly the way I feel inside. I have often heard it said that I am conceited. But the fact that someone is quieter than everybody else is no reason to misjudge that person.
R. R., Germany
A serious illness I suffered as a child has made me feel isolated from others. This article helped me to come to terms with my feelings and to find a way of overcoming the situation. I am going to work on cultivating friends in my congregation.
J.F.F., Brazil
Wrong Number! I always enjoy your articles and their usual accuracy. However, in “Watching the World,” the item “Car Crazy” (September 8, 1999) stated: “It is estimated that about 40 million vehicles are currently operating in the United States.” The actual figure is much larger than that.
R. K., United States
Our apologies for this error. We inadvertently quoted the wrong statistic. Currently, over 130 million cars are registered in the United States.—ED.