Young People Ask
How Can I Enjoy Studying the Bible?
Why study the Bible at all? Think of it this way:
The Bible can help you find a treasure. This best-selling book can
● Show you how to prepare for the best life ever
● Tell you things about the future—and the past—that you couldn’t know otherwise
● Help you to learn about yourself and become a better persona
STUDYING the Bible takes effort, but the payoff is huge! Want to know how some young people are doing it? Cut and fold the following page. You’ll have a handy four-page reference that will show you how your peers are overcoming obstacles and getting the most out of their personal study of the Bible.
“There is something in the Bible for everyone. The possibilities for study are endless!”—Valerie.b
More articles from the “Young People Ask” series can be found at the Web site
a To discover more about how the Bible can do all those things for you, contact Jehovah’s Witnesses locally or write to the appropriate address on page 5.
b Some names in this article have been changed.
[Box/Pictures on pages 19, 20]
The problem: NO MOTIVATION
“Sitting down to study for an hour doesn’t always seem like something I want to do.”—Lena.
What you need: INCENTIVE
To enjoy studying the Bible, you need to answer the question, What’s in it for me? Would you like to have friendship with God? deepen your understanding of world events? improve your personality? The Bible can help you do those things—and more!
“Don’t think of it as work or think it’s like studying for school. Instead, view Bible study as a way to become closer to the greatest Friend you’ll ever have—Jehovah God.”—Bethany.
“A study session is your personal time with Jehovah God. If you spend time with someone only when your parents are there, is that person really your friend or just your parents’ friend? If you study by yourself, Jehovah can become your friend.”—Bianca.
Remember: “Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live.” (2 Timothy 3:16, Contemporary English Version) The Bible can help you in those ways too!
“I try to focus on the rewards. If I’m lacking in some aspect, study is my opportunity to address the issue and improve myself.”—Max.
To think about:
What can be your study incentive?
The problem: BOREDOM
“After 10 minutes of studying, I start getting tired; in 20 minutes I’m ready to do something else; by 30 minutes, I’m bored to death!”—Allison.
What you need: CREATIVITY
Use your imagination, whether it involves what you study, how you study, or the environment you choose.
“Take time to research questions that you have. When you study about something that’s been on your mind, you finish with a sense of satisfaction—even joy.”—Richard.
“As you read about an event, put yourself in the picture. Pretend that you’re either the main character or a bystander watching the action unfold. Try to see the event with your mind’s eye.”—Steven.
“Make study enjoyable. Sit in the backyard and have a glass of lemonade. I like snacks while I’m studying. Who doesn’t?”—Alexandra.
Remember: Boredom is a perception, not always a reality. So instead of saying “study is boring,” say “I am bored.” Take responsibility for your outlook. That will put you in control and will empower you to do something about it.—Proverbs 2:10, 11.
“Personal study doesn’t have to be boring. It can be whatever you want it to be.”—Vanessa.
To think about:
How can you be creative with your study?
The problem: NO TIME
“I’d love to study the Bible more, but with such a busy schedule, my biggest challenge is to find the time to sit down and do it!”—Maria.
What you need: PRIORITIES
Part of becoming an adult is learning how to “make sure of the more important things.”—Philippians 1:10.
“My mom helped me to realize that I was never going to have extra time. I had to make the time. Once I worked on my desire to study, I made time for it.”—Natanya.
“As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that I have to schedule a time to study, and that’s when I do it, regardless of what else is going on.”—Yolanda.
“If you put study before recreation, I guarantee you’ll enjoy study even more—and your recreation will come guilt free.”—Diana.
Remember: If you don’t set priorities, you’ll lose control of your time and become its slave. It’s far better if you take the initiative and make room for study.—Ephesians 5:15, 16.
“As a high school student, I can easily get preoccupied with other things! However, making a conscious effort to include personal Bible study in my schedule is a priority for me.”—Jordan.
To think about:
What study schedule can you set?
[Box/Pictures on page 19]
Zachary—Don’t just study what your parents or others are studying. It’s really personal study when it’s something you want to learn about.
Kaley—Start small. If you have to, just do five minutes, but do it every day. Then you can gradually increase your time to 10 minutes, 15 minutes . . . Eventually you will enjoy it!
Daniela—Small details can also make a big difference. Get a set of pens and a nice notebook, or create a file on your computer named Personal Study.
Jordan—If I pick a topic I enjoy, I’m able to study longer. Also, I need a quiet setting. I can’t study if there’s a lot of noise in the background.
[Diagram on page 18]
(For fully formatted text, see publication)