From Our Readers
Carnivals Thank you for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Carnival Celebrations—Right or Wrong?” (June 8, 1996) I live in Brazil, and carnival is a very exciting time here. I was always tempted to join in the celebrations. I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t really understand why. This article, though, showed clearly that the carnival includes revelry and that God views such celebrations as “works belonging to darkness.”—Romans 13:12.
F. M. M., Brazil
Vacations Thank you so much for the series “Going on Vacation?—What You Should Know.” (June 22, 1996) It came just in time because only a few days afterward, we went on vacation. The tips were very helpful. Thanks again.
L. J., United States
Lyme Disease Thank you for the article “Lyme Disease—Are You at Risk?” (June 22, 1996) As a physician, I have recently seen quite a few patients with this disease, and I can confirm the precautions you mentioned. In most cases patients are not taken seriously and suffer for a long time. Awake! dealt with the arthritic type, which is prevalent in the United States. Two other pathogens have been discovered in Europe, for which traditional laboratory tests do not work. Antibiotics are only effective for Lyme disease in the early stages and are often ineffective later on.
I. S., Germany
As a Lyme disease sufferer, I found this wonderful article very encouraging. I hope all who read it will take this disease seriously and take all necessary precautions.
D. P., United States
Learning Disorders I really appreciated the article “Young People Ask . . . Why Can’t I Learn?” (June 22, 1996) I am struggling in school for some of the reasons mentioned in the article. I am going to apply your suggestions. Thank you very much.
R. C., United States
I was totally losing interest in learning and wasn’t concentrating in school. By putting into practice the suggestions given in the article, I hope to improve my learning habits.
M. E. O., Uganda
I don’t have any learning disorders, but I just don’t like to study. I also have trouble remembering mathematical formulas. Well, this article mentioned repetition and mouthing the words as a help for short-term memory problems. At first I thought it would be silly to read aloud to myself, but when I did it, it was fun!
N. I., Japan
Outlaw Thanks for publishing the experience of Franck Mannino, entitled “I Was an Outlaw.” (June 22, 1996) It touched me and made me understand how powerful and loving our Creator, Jehovah, is. I have been serving him for 30 years, and this experience has encouraged me to do my very best in the preaching work while I am free to do so.
E. B., Italy
The article helped me to appreciate the privilege of attending Christian meetings. My lack of personal organization has caused me to be habitually late for meetings. Franck Mannino had little freedom while in jail, but his life was very productive.
D. W., United States
I was moved by the zeal Franck Mannino showed, even while he was confined in jail. Although his life started off in a bad way, he is now an excellent example.
C. R., United States